So I changed my hydraulic fluid this weekend.
All was going well until I got to those socket head fill plugs, WHAT A PITA! They are in about the most difficult to access area of the mower.
So I found a better way...
Vacuum fill the hydros. I have a hand pumped vacuum/suction device for extracting oil and transmission fluids on cars. it uses a hand piston pump to remove air from a plastic container, to which a suction hose is attached. The pump and check valve can be removed from the container for cleaning. it turns out the pump just barely fits over and covers the opening in the hydraulic reservoir on the RSD.
So with the hydros empty and new filters in place I filled the reservoir up about 3/4 of the way and sat my pump on top, gave it a few pumps and saw a lot of air gurgle up from the transmissions through the fluid. I removed the pump and within a couple seconds the reservoir was empty, all fluid having been drawn into the hydros. I repeated this until they were full. It took maybe 10 minutes total.
I really appreciate this post. I had trouble removing one of those plugs so I used the hand piston pump to remove the air. Ingenious! :thumbsup: