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Husqvarna YTH2448 HydroStatic Transmission Issue




I have 2006 YTH2448 and the last time I mowed it suddenly had a problem making a small incline. Then the forward speed dropped to almost nothing and I shifted to reverse. It also had problems. After a while of trying to go back and forth it finally just stopped. I was told to check the fluid level. I was told it would be under the seat, however that wasn't the case. How and where is the fluid level check on this particular model. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.



mechanic mark

http://www.husqvarna.com/ddoc/husi/husi2004_usen/husi2004_usen_i0402064_.pdf pages 34 & 35, check drive belt & idlers for replacement. make sure all hardware is in place & tight & secure.




Thanks for the reply. I'm having a hard time understanding the schematic, what numbers on the diagram am I looking for to check, etc. ? Sorry, just old and slow.



mechanic mark

Thanks for the reply. I'm having a hard time understanding the schematic, what numbers on the diagram am I looking for to check, etc. ? Sorry, just old and slow.

500 Service Unavailable Error You probably need to replace drive belt from engine to transaxle & will need to remove mower to do so. The belt i'm posting is the belt you need as well as price for belt.

tractor transaxle 314-0510 | eBay these are just examples of your transaxle and prices.




Thanks so very much, I'll get my son to give me hand. I appreciate your knowledge and expertise.




and before you replace anything get unde there and clean out all of the debris.
A sudden problem with no accompanying bang, slap or thump is oft some thing really silly like a stick wedged between the side rail and the clutch pulley arm, Even had a fuel cap drop off and get wedged in there, That customer was really happy ( and red faced ) as he was exppecting a broken gear in the tranny and a big repair bill
