Sounds that is working for you but I just don't have the spare time to do the chipping myself here hence the burning besides the thorns really tears me up while chipping. One a week to get the housework and other shopping duties done then there is just not enough time to do other things.
You miss the point.
The chipper is set up & running before I start pruning so all I do is cut a branch & drop it in the hopper unless I am using the saw so I end up doing 2 jobs at the same time .
The down side is it uses more fuel because the chipper is running for a long time empty and is noisy .
When the pruning is done U just rake the chips around .
Decades ago I used to prune onto a tarp, drag the tarp around to the compost area then shred
Often the shredding happened several weeks latter so the clippings were dry & hard which made the chipping slow & difficult plus dulled the blades .
In those days I was using an electric shredder and It was running for so long the plastic case got soft & the bearings came loose.
Once I learned the trick of poping the shredder on the tarp & throwing the clippings directly into it while still pruning the whole thing became so much easier & quicker .
Then I learned to put mulch mats under the shrubs / trees and let the shreds become the mulch around the base so I was doing 3 jobs , pruning, shredding & mulching at the same time
The final trick was the loose laid bricks around the drip line