thanks, i'll try to get to this (but day job in the way so might not be quick).
need clarification on a few things.
I have 4 post solenoid...when you say "3a) same with ground trigger wire ( 4 wire solenoid ) or body of solenoid ( 3 wire solenoid)
( I like to test V from the battery hot terminal to ground terminal rather than ohms as they give funny readings )"
I'm not sure what exactly is the ground trigger wire on the solenoid. I'm not at the tractor now but there are 2 things that clip onto thin metal posts off the solenoid....I'm sure one of these is ground---you mean test this? And I have a meter that lights up only---do I need to buy a micrometer?
when you say thin control wires at the solenoid are you meaning the ones that clip onto the solenoid? or do you mean the thin red wire that has round connector to the solenoid post?