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how to post pictures




I can't seem to figure out how to transfer a picture from my computer to my message box on lawn world.
I am trying to show a photo of my yard but can't seem to get it to the thread.


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

When you are in the place you can type your posts, go to the paper clip icon in the toolbar, and that will bring you to a place to manage your attachments. Next, click on Add Files, and then click Choose Files to select which picture you want off of your computer. Then hit upload. Once it is done uploading exit out of the small window, put your cursor where you want the image to be placed in the message, and go back up to the paper clip icon and click once. That will bring up a drop-down menu including the pictures you uploaded. Click on it and it will be inserted into the post. I hope that was not too confusing. Let us know if you figure it out. :smile:




Thank you, I'm not a computer person but I will fumble through it.




Thanks Lawn mower fanatic, I fumbled through and got my picture. Thank you!..........Ron




Ron do you have a photobucket account or any other image hosting account?




Not yet, I think I have the information to do that, I will try today and let you know if it works
