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How to Kill Ticks




How to Kill Ticks?

Maine is infested with Deer Ticks and they carry Lyme Disease.

How can I kill them all!

Need something Non Toxic to Animals and Veggies.




How to Kill Ticks? Maine is infested with Deer Ticks and they carry Lyme Disease. How can I kill them all! Need something Non Toxic to Animals and Veggies.

Get chickens they eat the ticks.




Get chickens they eat the ticks.

I second this. Have a couple customers that did this and it worked. There is no real chemical option




My area has Deer ticks,Dog ticks and Lone Star ticks.Each carries nasty critters they can give you when they bite.I usually spray myself w/bug off.seems to help for awhile but I'm always looking for them crawling on me.I use Frontline plus on my two dogs.do'nt know how you can kill all of them ,do'nt think it's possible.would be nice because ticks rank up there being my public enemy #1.I read there are natural repellants you can mix up using vinegar and citrus extracts but haven't tried them.when I do find one crawling on me or my dogs they get the death sentence by whatever I have handy to carry it out....russ
