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How to advertise?




What would be the best way to advertise?




What would be the best way to advertise?

We use Facebook with great results.




A quick forum search will show many threads on this topic




A quick forum search will show many threads on this topic

I agree a quick search and this topic has been covered many times. I think it would help things out a bit if these newbies would take a few minutes and fill out some basic information on there profiles so people would have more of an idea on how to answer there questions. Things like what type of member are you, how about location and what types of equipment your running and maybe a little bit about yourself so we know who and what were dealing with mite help??




Look all i asked was a simple question that doesnt involve my life story or equipment so idk how any of that would help you answer my question... So what would be the best way to advertise? Hmm good question, what kind of equipment you have? Who are you? Where do you live? Makes no sense at all.




Where you live, what equipment you have is important. Someone in your area might no better than someone who is not. Your equipment shows what types of jobs your capable of.

There are many ways to advertise some people use things others don't which is why I suggested a quick forum search I am not opposed to conversation. This topic is very solid and everytime its brought up the same people come up with the same answer. Not a very controversal topic but a well discussed topic none the less. After your quick read of a few threads where this has been discussed if you have further inquiries, concerns, questions, compliments or something to add we all would be very very happy to discuss them.




Also to add why he asked about you is to understand your character. Are you a family man who just got layed off looking to make any money possible, are you a teen looking for a summer job, are you a business man trying to start a legitimate business? Are you a guy with a Toyota and craftsman equipment not being legitimate. This all matters on how you advertise




Also to add why he asked about you is to understand your character. Are you a family man who just got layed off looking to make any money possible, are you a teen looking for a summer job, are you a business man trying to start a legitimate business? Are you a guy with a Toyota and craftsman equipment not being legitimate. This all matters on how you advertise

I thought they were valid questions just for the answers you gave exotion. That's what I was trying to get at.




Wow guess I should update my profile so I don't get yelled at. LOL




Wow guess I should update my profile so I don't get yelled at. LOL

Hey I didn't cap anything, I just asked a simple question. Nobody's yelling:laughing:




I am a family man who cant find a job but what i was asking is where to advertise not how to and what to. So im sorry if i seemed like a dick but i still dont understand. Even if someone started out with just some cheap push mower as long as they know what theyre doin and do a good job can still make a living. And if you start that low on the ladder you can eventually climb and get better equipment. I co owned a smoke shop for a little bit till my buddy screwed me over and cause of the charges i cant find a job and i have a kid on the way. Im 23 and ive help my brother inlaw do landscaping for a year. So i know how to run a business and how to do alot its just a different ball game thats why i look for help sometimes and i appreciate the help.




Use Craigslist and Facebook join same yard sale and things for sale groups
On Facebook.
Make a Facebook page not a profile but a page.




Ive done facebook, craigslist and i have a big sign on a busy street. Its slowly picking up i just want more work. Im thinking bout handing out flyers personally in the rich neighborhoods.




I am a family man who cant find a job but what i was asking is where to advertise not how to and what to. So im sorry if i seemed like a dick but i still dont understand. Even if someone started out with just some cheap push mower as long as they know what theyre doin and do a good job can still make a living. And if you start that low on the ladder you can eventually climb and get better equipment. I co owned a smoke shop for a little bit till my buddy screwed me over and cause of the charges i cant find a job and i have a kid on the way. Im 23 and ive help my brother inlaw do landscaping for a year. So i know how to run a business and how to do alot its just a different ball game thats why i look for help sometimes and i appreciate the help.

No problems with the guy with a push mower I started there. My problems lie in the guy who doesn't get licenced and pay taxes.




It takes time. Word of mouth is the best. Offer a fair price and do the best job you can and the work will come.




As for the where I recommend flyers around the houses you do. If you get a client go up and down and put a flyer on every door in a 3-4 block radius. People respect foot work especially when the owner of a company is doing it.




As for the where I recommend flyers around the houses you do. If you get a client go up and down and put a flyer on every door in a 3-4 block radius. People respect foot work especially when the owner of a company is doing it.
sounds like a great ideal. Thank you and everyone for the help




A friend of mine who was in the lawn service several years said that it hook him three years to get to the point that he had all of the work he could do. We have been doing it since Aug 2012. We live in a pretty economically depressed area of SW Alabama and we now have about 42 clients. Our properties range from 7 acres down to small lots. We could handle about 60 or so depending on size.

I said all of that to say if you are growing keep doing what you are doing. Work will come. We gain customers and we lose them from time to time but we seem to gain more than we lose.




Im with ya man. Best of luck to you




As for the where I recommend flyers around the houses you do. If you get a client go up and down and put a flyer on every door in a 3-4 block radius. People respect foot work especially when the owner of a company is doing it.

I just really like paper shoved in my door. I think if your going to advertise you need to do better than a flyer. Imo flyers are just another form of junk mail that ends up in the trash. The thing that gets me is that someone who puts that stuff on my door is someone who I wouldn't deal with in the first place because there's a big sign at each entrance of this and many sub-divisions here that says No soliciting so Imo there dong something there not supposed to do from the beginning and it sure doesn't make any sense to hire someone that does that.

If you want to advertise in sub-divisions do it right and go to the club house and place an ad in there monthly paper that gets delivered to every house in the sub-division once a month it's more area than a person can cover and it's cheaper, there are also things like the shopper or newspapers that can run your ad and all can be done for a minimal fee.




Lucky we don't have many specific sub divisions here. I do not put flyers on no soliciting houses. And usually people just throw them away. But because your targeting a specific area if you get one customer from it it pays for your initial investment and now you have another stop within a few blocks of the first. And up here flyers seem to work quite well




Lucky we don't have many specific sub divisions here. I do not put flyers on no soliciting houses. And usually people just throw them away. But because your targeting a specific area if you get one customer from it it pays for your initial investment and now you have another stop within a few blocks of the first. And up here flyers seem to work quite well

Well most here are that way, that's the reason people move to those types of sub-divisions as not to be bothered. Flyers and those type of things are good if you can get them in the right areas. The problem is you can't without catching a lot of grief, and the areas you can get them in are with people you don't want for customers or there not willing to pay for lawncare.
Advertising with flyers is a lot like running ads on craigslist and I tried that years ago and found out it doesn't work. The only people who respond are people who aren't willing to pay and when you do get a number of clients you'll spend more time and money on the road driving from one to the other than you'll make, it's a waste of time.




Seems to have worked for me. There are a few "craigslisters" where I just tell them to find someone else. I Target specific neighborhoods even with my craigslist ads. And flyers seems I'm lucky I don't have more than a few mins drive between jobs most times I don't even have a full 2 mins.

Word of mouth is the best. Friends or family of your current customers are more willing to pay because you work with their friends and don't wanna have the embarassment there.




Im not scared of getting grief for trying to provide for my family. I mean the worst thing they could do is say no lol. Thats fine but even then you find those people that do respond and i paid $6 for 100 flyers so its worth it even if i get only one customer. And that one customer could be someone who dont have a computer and dont have away to reach out like alot of elderly people. So if it wasnt for handing out flyers that would be one less house and like i said before, for $6 its worth a shot. And im guessing you own a business ric. Or at least it sounds like you do. Where and how did you start? Im starting at rock bottom like a lot of people have and at this time you cant really be picky. If youre at the bottom you should do anything and everything to try and get business and make money. And that also helps get word of mouth business so i dont understand how you can dis this and that. I bet if you handed out flyers you would get customers and since youre against it i bet you missed out on customers but then again if youre busy with business all the time then ya id agree it wouldnt be worth it. But the fact is even the lowest level of advertising could work especially for bottom of the ladder




You'd be surprised the worse they can do is far worse than say no. I have had dogs sicked on my, gun pulled on me, people chasing me down blocks away to bitch about litering their property.

That's a common misconception about starting at the bottom. Do not do what you don't wanna do, do not undersell your self. That's how you get taken advantage of, people will not pay you and you can't do anything about it, well legally.

I started with a front drive craftsman mower, homelight trimmer and blower. Loaded in the back of my old jeep Cherokee. I still have most of my customers from back then it is very much about the quality of the job, the inter personal relationships you build.

Treat your customers like family, don't forget to say hi and take the time to chit chat with them even if your in a rush. This makes them feel like you care and are apart of a family. It's harder for them to leave you when they feel that way.

Offer something nobody else does. Me personally I include free fertilizer to all my weekly customers in Exchange for proper watering. Nobody else does that, does it cost me? Ya about $150 a month but worth every penny.

Professionalism and appearance of you, your truck, and your equipment are just as important as the quality of the job. Do you look, act, and maintain your equipment like a professional?




I do as much as possible. And as far as doin a good job, ive always been that person who puts there all into there work. And im really good with people, im always been respectful until theres a reason i shouldnt be. And i have under sold my self a few times but learned very quickly afterwards




Im not scared of getting grief for trying to provide for my family. I mean the worst thing they could do is say no lol. Thats fine but even then you find those people that do respond and i paid $6 for 100 flyers so its worth it even if i get only one customer. And that one customer could be someone who dont have a computer and dont have away to reach out like alot of elderly people. So if it wasnt for handing out flyers that would be one less house and like i said before, for $6 its worth a shot. And im guessing you own a business ric. Or at least it sounds like you do. Where and how did you start? Im starting at rock bottom like a lot of people have and at this time you cant really be picky. If youre at the bottom you should do anything and everything to try and get business and make money. And that also helps get word of mouth business so i dont understand how you can dis this and that. I bet if you handed out flyers you would get customers and since youre against it i bet you missed out on customers but then again if youre busy with business all the time then ya id agree it wouldnt be worth it. But the fact is even the lowest level of advertising could work especially for bottom of the ladder

Ok if your happy spending $6 for 100 flyers and spending a day running around putting the things on doors, have at it. I never in my life handed out a flyer and never will. Personally I spent $25 and used one business card, went home and did a few lawns around my home while my business card hit 1500 to 2000 homes in one day or maybe two. Within a week I had 27 clients. Now we work three and a half to four hours a day six days a week and run 70 plus clients weekly in the same sub-division all within a three mile radius of my home. I use my time mowing lawns not driving a truck all over gods creation wasting time and gas. You will soon learn that in the lawn care business time is money and if you ever want to make any money in the business you'll learn to use your time and money efficiently.




Well see thats info that can be used instead of saying not to do something say what you did that worked




And thank you thats all i wanted to know is what worked for everyone else. Even if everyone has did something different that worked its still good info




What are some things that you have tried so far?

How have they worked out?




I have a facebook page, a big sign on a busy st, and craigslist adds. They got me a few just not enough so im working on putting all the money i make off them into advertising. I did get 100 flyers today so im hoping that will help a little.and I got a work uniform with info on it today




Ok if your happy spending $6 for 100 flyers and spending a day running around putting the things on doors, have at it. I never in my life handed out a flyer and never will. Personally I spent $25 and used one business card, went home and did a few lawns around my home while my business card hit 1500 to 2000 homes in one day or maybe two. Within a week I had 27 clients. Now we work three and a half to four hours a day six days a week and run 70 plus clients weekly in the same sub-division all within a three mile radius of my home. I use my time mowing lawns not driving a truck all over gods creation wasting time and gas. You will soon learn that in the lawn care business time is money and if you ever want to make any money in the business you'll learn to use your time and money efficiently.

You work 3 1/2 - 4 hours a day? That's a 24 hour work week. How can you keep help working that short period of time? Why not work three 8 hour days?




Ok if your happy spending $6 for 100 flyers and spending a day running around putting the things on doors, have at it. I never in my life handed out a flyer and never will. Personally I spent $25 and used one business card, went home and did a few lawns around my home while my business card hit 1500 to 2000 homes in one day or maybe two. Within a week I had 27 clients. Now we work three and a half to four hours a day six days a week and run 70 plus clients weekly in the same sub-division all within a three mile radius of my home. I use my time mowing lawns not driving a truck all over gods creation wasting time and gas. You will soon learn that in the lawn care business time is money and if you ever want to make any money in the business you'll learn to use your time and money efficiently.
how did you do that for around $25? I cant find anything that cheap




Everything i find is over $200 so handing out flyers still sounds good




I have a facebook page, a big sign on a busy st, and craigslist adds. They got me a few just not enough so im working on putting all the money i make off them into advertising. I did get 100 flyers today so im hoping that will help a little.and I got a work uniform with info on it today

Your going to put all your money into advertising with something that wont pay enough benefits for you to probably break even. Sure sounds like a plan for going out of business in a hurry.




You work 3 1/2 - 4 hours a day? That's a 24 hour work week. How can you keep help working that short period of time? Why not work three 8 hour days?

Yes I work 3 1/2 to 4 hrs a day and that's 24 hrs a week because I can. Why should I work 8hrs a day? I retired from one job after 24 yrs at the age of 50 yrs old and in that 24 yrs I saved enough money, built my credit rating to the point I could get into the lawn business without going into debt. As far as the help goes, I don't hire anyone. My business is a family business, the only person I pay every week is my son who works for me. The thing is I have no overhead to speak of, I owe nothing on equipment, I don't drive or cover an area that is 100 miles wide so there's virtually no gas expense for the truck, only my equipment.




Yes I work 3 1/2 to 4 hrs a day and that's 24 hrs a week because I can. Why should I work 8hrs a day? I retired from one job after 24 yrs at the age of 50 yrs old and in that 24 yrs I saved enough money, built my credit rating to the point I could get into the lawn business without going into debt. As far as the help goes, I don't hire anyone. My business is a family business, the only person I pay every week is my son who works for me. The thing is I have no overhead to speak of, I owe nothing on equipment, I don't drive or cover an area that is 100 miles wide so there's virtually no gas expense for the truck, only my equipment.

I understand you do it cause you can. That's the obvious. I was just wondering why you would want to work 6 days a week in stead of 3. I can see wanting to piddle around after retirement. I was just curious.




Your going to put all your money into advertising with something that wont pay enough benefits for you to probably break even. Sure sounds like a plan for going out of business in a hurry.
I said all the money i make off that few people who i already have not everyone i get. So that gives me a weekly budget. And im still picking up customers here and there so i dont see how its a problem




This app wont let me delete posts for some reason so once again sorry for the screw up




how did you do that for around $25? I cant find anything that cheap

I told you once. If you go to the sub-divisions that say No soliciting, go to the club house and see the person in charge of there monthly community paper. They like people too advertise because it helps pay for the paper. They charge a minimal fee, mine was 25$ to post my business card for a month. There paper gets delivered to between 1500 and 2000 homes here in the sub-division.
You keep saying $6 for a 100 flyers seems cheap enough., when in fact the way I look at it , it's rather expensive. It would cost you a $120 to cover the same area I cover for $25 plus while my ad hits every home here I'm mowing lawns and making money not wasting my time going door to door making a big fat 0 for income. Now if you want cheap advertising, find someone to make you some magnetic signs for your truck because more people will see them than your flyers. I had two done for $65 and you can also get Business cards at Vista-Print for next to nothing like 250 for $10 so there actually cheaper than your flyers and a lot more professional.




This app wont let me delete posts for some reason so once again sorry for the screw up

I deleted them:thumbsup:




I told you once. If you go to the sub-divisions that say No soliciting, go to the club house and see the person in charge of there monthly community paper. They like people too advertise because it helps pay for the paper. They charge a minimal fee, mine was 25$ to post my business card for a month. There paper gets delivered to between 1500 and 2000 homes here in the sub-division. You keep saying $6 for a 100 flyers seems cheap enough., when in fact the way I look at it , it's rather expensive. It would cost you a $120 to cover the same area I cover for $25 plus while my ad hits every home here I'm mowing lawns and making money not wasting my time going door to door making a big fat 0 for income. Now if you want cheap advertising, find someone to make you some magnetic signs for your truck because more people will see them than your flyers. I had two done for $65 and you can also get Business cards at Vista-Print for next to nothing like 250 for $10 so there actually cheaper than your flyers and a lot more professional.
well thats a great idea but unfortunately for me we have no subdivisions. I live in a small ran down town called ottumwa, IA




But we do have a save ottumwa paper that i might put an add in. Idk how many people get it but when i was scrapping junk i got a lot of calls using it
