Ive see most fuel filter stay low until the float opens up and lets fuel into the bowl,,then after the bowl is full and the float shuts the fuel off by pushing the needle valve up,,the fuel filter doesn’t fill any more.
The filter is not 1/2 full. It is completely full all the time.
Some of what is in there is fuel and the rest is air.
None of it can go anywhere unless the outlet is open.
If given the oppertunity the air in the filter will flow up to the highest point.
In the filter, this is the space between the opening in the outlet tube and the top of the filter canister.
When the opening ( float valve ) opens up fuel travels back up the fuel line to the carb till the float cuts off the fuel supply
If you used cleat fuel line you would see the tube from the filter to the carb is totally full of fuel it is just a pocket of air that gets trapped in the filter.
The only downside is you are only using part of the filter media if you have a big air bubble.
Usually the air works it's way out by breaking up into smaller bubbles and getting sucked up into the carb where it is vented by the bowl vent.
If it worries you put it on backwards and hold it so the outlet side is up and the air will escape
or fit it right way round , hold it inlet side up to allow the air to escape up the tube to the pump then remover the fuel line at the pump , fill it with fuel then replace the fuel line while cranking the engine.
Very messy and you will still have an air pocket but it will be at the outlet end of the fuel pump and eventually get dragged down to the fuel filter.
Or you could buy a really expensive filter with a water trap & air purge valve.