Wait, what?
Most warranties don't expire in the US when you walk out the door, but the great thing is is that you have a choice. Spend less and take your chances or spend more and get a decent warranty. It's up to you! It's called freedom of choice. It's a wonderful thing.
Do you really feel the need for the government to protect you from retail decisions like this? How can you possibly feel better by letting the government take that choice away unless you feel that people are too stupid and need to be protected by the government? That's crazy talk.
Choice is fine provided that the purchaser has enough information to make an informed decision presented in a form that they can understand .
So if an item is very low quality and can not be repaired then it must be LABLED as low quality item not able to be repaired.
So the purchases knows they are buying throw away junk .
Much of the EU now had a mandated durability index so if I buy a line trimmer there both the trimmer & power head have an indication of their expected service life, either in hours or as a star system like energy rating .
Selling garbage is fine just so long as you are not decieving the purchaser into believing it is a quality product .
Taking a different tack .
Making single use garbage requires almost the same resources & energy plus creates almost as much pollution as making a quality product that will last for many years.
The logistical pollution ( transport , storeage & distribution ) is exactly the same except you do it many more times with throw away items .
The reason why the planet is in the state it is now is because we are consuming resources and generating pollution at an unsustainable rate .
So if you want to have tornados ripping through New York city and 2' of snow in Death Valley and the Great Lakes to consume 1/3 of the cities & towns that surround them then continue to buy single use garbage because you have the right to decide what you buy . After all when ( not if ) we pollute the planet to a state it will no longer support human life then it will have a chance to recover without the most useless destructive species ever to have existed , humans .
We know what happens when we consume at an unsustainable in the "knowledge" that what ever diety we chose to believe in will provide for us.
It is called Easter Island , and they all died no matter how many statues & offerings they made .
There is no planet B .
The only reason that the USA & Europe has not starved over the past 5 years is that Australia & NZ has exported over 100,000,000 queen bees to replace those in Europe & the USA that were infected by the Veroa mite.
Without these bees the worlds cereal crops would have been reduced by 65% because there were not enough bees to pollenate the crops so the only grain crop the US would have had was corn because corn is wind pollinated , soy is also wind pollenated, but canola requires bees , google to see just how much canola the US & Canada grew in the past 5 years & imagine what you would have done without it, no sunflower oil either .
And now Veroa is in NZ so it won't be long before it is in OZ as well , but of course the person who exported the plants that harboured the Veroa had the RIGHT to export it because the purchaser had the RIGHT to have it and did not want to pay the extra for certified pest & disease free plants which would have cost more .