Hey guys, have real head scratcher. Have Honda Gcv 160 , son in law was using it. Brought back and running,but popping out carb. Dirty air filter. I Replace the carburetor; Then I tried starting fluid. Popped out carb and had flame melt air box before I could put out. . I replace the coil and spark plug I put a spark indicator on the coil to the spark plug I have a good spark. Rocker arms moving fine and no stuck valves. I adjusted the valve lashing .152mm intake and .203mm exhaust. I checked fly wheel key it’s fine but I replaced it anyway. I’m getting gas to the carburetor and I cleaned the fuel filter in the hose. I pulled the plug when I set the valve lashing , made sure piston on top dead center. I checked compression, if I pull rope gauge shows 25 psi. If I don’t release pressure off gauge psi goes up to 75 psi after I pull rope 8 times.Pulling out my hair lol
Have you check the valve timing? With the piston at TDC compression check to the cam gear align with timing marks.
I have checked timing on Top dead center on combustion stroke,I didn’t see timing marks in diagram, on my cam, but cam lobe was facing straight up . I watched several videos how to check. Could valve on intake be the issue? I’ll go back again and check cam for alignment marks
Went back used mechanics mirror and found timing marks underside of cam. Rotated flywheel on combustion stroke and marks line up. Lobe on cam facing out from engine. Already set valve lashing. Compression was 120 psi after 4 pulls. Haven’t done leak down test yet