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Hit a stump, T130 now throwing belts




Hello! We just got a new Craftsman T130, and my 4th time mowing I hit a tree stump that somehow I never saw or hit before. 1 blade was ben badly, I went ahead and replaced both. When I tried to mow with it, I smelled burnt rubber then the belt came off. It looked like the pully that provides tension was sitting bent. I took off that pully, and it's not bent at all. The bracket that it mounts to is sitting at an angle, though. :thumbdown:

Can anyone tell me what that part is called? I'm having no luck finding it online at all. And, is there anything else I should be worried about? Thanks a million for your help, my lawn is starting to look like a jungle.




you will need to post the model number of your Machine for parts lookup




you will need to post the model number of your Machine for parts lookup

The model number is not T130? If not, then what number are you looking for?




T130 is just for "show".
Look under the seat, should be a sticker with a model and or serial number.




Thanks for the reply I just found it! My fault. the model number says:


(and under that, different than the s/n):


I THINK I've identified it as the idler arm, not sure. It looks kinda like it mounts to the deck itself, which scares me that the part may not fix it. I can follow instructions well but I really have no idea what I'm doing.

Thanks for your help.




make sure all spindles and pulleys turn free and belt is routed correct




Check. The pulley I thought was bent (the one that provides tension) is sitting at an unnatural angle, though. Once I took it off, though, i could see that the pulley was fine, and the part in question appears to be bent (i think it's called the idler arm at this point) - but- it looks like it mounts to the deck itself, which could be what is bent, or is also bent along with the idler arm. I'm afraid that if it bent the deck itself I'm farged.

Thanks for helping out a noob.




you may need to get out the big hammer




HAve a good look at the the hole in the arm that it pivots on and the bush that goes in the hole.
The hole flogs out oval cause no one ever lubes it and the bush wears as well.
Both replacement items.
