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Hi! New Member from Australia!




Hello everybody!

I am very excited to become a part of your amazing community! My name is Anthony, and I live in Melbourne, VIC. I am a person full of different interests, like cars, traveling and home improvement solutions. But my biggest passion even since I was a child, is gardening. And this is the main reason why a while ago I decided to open a business, offering gardening and landscaping services in my local area. At first the start was a little rough, but eventually we grew and developed our skills and list of provided services. But we still have lots to learn, and this is why I decided to look online for places like this one, where people can share their good and bad experiences. I really hope I will find lots of smart and energetic people here, and we will exchange lots of knowledge.




Anthony, Welcome!




Indeed, welcome.




Hi Anthony and Welcome to LMF! There are lots of gardeners here, and a large assortment of mechanics
of varying skills. It's good to know something about engines in case yours stops on you while out working.
Several of my friends are avid gardeners as well. Me? I'm just a shade tree mechanic. Dave :confused2:
