Hello everyone. I am from Turkey and have a landscape and irrigation company. want to know anything about the bussines in the world. thanks to the forum owners. See you in the forums
:welcome: to the forum. A lot of good people here & willing to help. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Hey its good to meet you. Hows the weather over there?
Just what do you have for lawns and grass over there?
hello everyone sorry for the late answer because i wasnt seeing my message so i tought i could be banned what ever the weather is very hot in here. actually 30 degrees. the work is fine for us but there are lots of companies that has to close because people in here doesnt want to spend too much money in garden. and the taxes are too much for professional companies. so people are doing it without a company. we have big clients so that we can still be cool but we work very hard and always making new things in the company i sometimes read the articles in the forums and take some ideas for our company. and also if some one suggest something to make my company bigger i will be pleased also thanks for the admins to make a site like that if anyone come to izmir/turkey we must have a dinner out and talk a little
peyzaj, Good English. Where did you learn it? Welcome.
thanks motoman i learned grammar in school but in the university i was the president of European Students' Forum - Izmir so i learn to talk there not so good at that moment because i havent been talking for long years but my english is much better when i drink something