Ok.... try to make story short.
I already put 20 hrs. on mt Cub Cadet this season, and it suddenly stopped last week.
Replaced fuel filter, and then new Kohler fuel pump today.
Carb has been cleaned , and seems to be fine... but I think the culprit is the solenoid valve at the bowl.
It sometimes clicks , and sometimes not , and sometime buzzes.
Any one have an experience with a bad carb bowl solenoid ?
I am out of ideas now.
replaced a few in my business on several brands of engines. replace it. on some kohlers the plunger will pull out of the fuel solenoid and then you can clean the hole that it fits in with carb cleaner. may want to try that first before replacement.
So you found that upon replacement of solenoid ... engine ran smooth again ?
Mine was running like new till it suddenly died.... but does have 475 hrs. on it.
Unbelievable.... I just came in from outside... and all's I did was turn the key...
and the engine is running fine !
I can not figure this one out... but maybe it was when I pulled out solenoid, and move it, and dislodged some spec of grit ... don't know... but running fine now... whew !
My grass is over a week past due to be mowed.
Millbrook, NY
have found some kohler fuel solenoid pick up all the varnish and junk in the bowl and then it jams the solenoid piston preventing it from working. others i have seen would run 10-20 minutes and then quit for about the time it took to turn the key off and on about 3 times and then would work for about another 10-20 minutes and stop again.
Just gave me 1hr of mowing again...ran great...thought I was home free. when like always...
died instantly... just read your email and will go out and listen for it to click.
I had it completely out earlier today and it worked fine when cold and out of carb.
One thing that is weird..I think... I get shocked when I hold it to test it ..is this normal ?
Just gave me 1hr of mowing again...ran great...thought I was home free. when like always...
died instantly... just read your email and will go out and listen for it to click.
I had it completely out earlier today and it worked fine when cold and out of carb.
One thing that is weird..I think... I get shocked when I hold it to test it ..is this normal ?
The previous replies are dead on the money. It's a positive fuel shut OFF solenoid. That means when power is applied it allows fuel to flow. It is FAILING, to allow the fuel to flow. Clean the port and change it out. Your engine will be greatful.
As you are most likely going to replace the rather expensive little bugger you can confirm it is the culprit by removing it an replacing it with a bowl nut.
Note doing this is only for confirmation of your problem as it is considered tampering with an EPA mandated device and has very large fines in some juristrictions but for the purpose of confirming a diangosis it should be OK.