hearing protection


Forum Newbie
May 3, 2017
Hi all....I work at mowing on a Golf Course.....what I need to do is find something that will allow me to wear a hat w/wide brim for those hot! summer days. The mower is quite LOUD. I have an ear wax problem, and the ear doc said that for ppl with this problem it is not good to insert those ear protectors into ear canal. So, I have been thinking about ear buds under Muffs. Don't know yet which will be best. here's a pic of mower.....IMG_20170420_113525624.jpg Any suggestions?.....thanks for the help...:D I have been thinking about behind head muffs...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2014
Hi all....I work at mowing on a Golf Course.....what I need to do is find something that will allow me to wear a hat w/wide brim for those hot! summer days. The mower is quite LOUD. I have an ear wax problem, and the ear doc said that for ppl with this problem it is not good to insert those ear protectors into ear canal. So, I have been thinking about ear buds under Muffs. Don't know yet which will be best. here's a pic of mower.....View attachment 31934 Any suggestions?.....thanks for the help...:D I have been thinking about behind head muffs...

Agabus, welcome to the forum. First off, there are plenty of hats available with adjustable draw cords and you should be able to find one that can accommodate your head and earmuffs assuming you don't actually want the earmuffs, themselves, to fit under the hat. Alternatively, there's something called a Tammin hat if you like the look. Also consider buying a cheap hat and slitting the sides.


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
They have behind the head ear protection. Go to a place that sales guns and find a good pair.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
They have behind the head ear protection. Go to a place that sales guns and find a good pair.

As Blaz stated , Gun Shops have many types & styles of hearing protectors ..I found a pair of these "neck-huggers"
at my local shop .... just wear around my neck , I wear the band on the back of my neck as I wear glasses or you can have it under chin ... your choice ... girls can use as hair-band also...ear tips are replaceable ...



Oct 22, 2016
I Tend to Love these
Peltor / 3M FM
Radio Headphones.
I prefer the Digital Tuner Ones
with the LCD Tuner; Because it is harder
to Bump them out of tune when working in tight spaces.
and I Typically use the Energizer Ultimate Lithium E2 Square Batteries in them. They last MUCH Longer and
are WELL WORTH the Higher Price for the 4-pack of AA's I buy
A LOT LESS batteries for them since switching to those batteries



If Podcast are More your thing;
They also have A Bluetooth Model
That can be connected to your Cell Phone;
if your Cell Phone is Bluetooth Capable!

Here is the bluetooth one:



Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
$275.00 is way out of my league. $25.00 Hearing protection, $25.00 Bluetooth earbuds, and my phone does me just fine.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
I use a lowlyHF ear muff style unit . The steel strap adjusts. With it I can jam on a big straw hat or a backwards pointing baseball hat when wearing a plastic visor if using the 2 stroke weedwhacker.


Dec 15, 2017
As lawnboy states, tinitus comes on slowly and take it from me its is a major bummer (tnks Uncle Sam)-would you believe that driving with the window open is one of the best ways to give yourself hearing damage?

Please use plugs in when in any noisy environment, and for those who ride especially EVEN (especially) with helmets on. The trick for the foamy plugs is to pull back on your ear while inserting the to keep pressure on the plug for 5 seconds or so. With a properly inserted foam plug you should hear very very little-just the noises in your head....:frown:

Now, would you believe that in some States its illegal to put in ear plugs :confused2:
Exactly, the tinitus is worse than the hearing loss. In my case it was an M110. Anyway, lots of good leads posted here on "muffs". Mine are due for replacement.

Due to having trees around my horse pastures, I usually run 20-25 gallons of gas through my BR600 blower to move the leafs off so they do not mold. That is in a short time frame so there are long days with the blower. I always use both foam plugs and headphones trying to preserve what I have left.

Someone mentioned that some of these protective devices are pricey. Try pricing a decent pair of high tech hearing aids which insurance generally does not cover. I finally got into the VA for service related else I could not afford them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
As lawnboy states, tinitus comes on slowly and take it from me its is a major bummer (tnks Uncle Sam)-would you believe that driving with the window open is one of the best ways to give yourself hearing damage?

Please use plugs in when in any noisy environment, and for those who ride especially EVEN (especially) with helmets on. The trick for the foamy plugs is to pull back on your ear while inserting the to keep pressure on the plug for 5 seconds or so. With a properly inserted foam plug you should hear very very little-just the noises in your head....:frown:

Now, would you believe that in some States its illegal to put in ear plugs :confused2:

You mean illegal when driving a car? Or just in general?

I have lost 40% of my hearing loss in my left hear but my right ear is fine. And I have ringing in that ear. But it varies from day to day. My father was on an aircraft carrier back in the 1960s and his tinnitus is constant. It never changes where I can have so much ringing it drown's out anything. Other times its minimal and I can barely detect any ringing. Seems like everybody I know who has been in the military or likes to shoot guns has hearing loss.

A few years ago I was "supposedly" diagnosed with Meniere's disease. It's got something to do with fluid buildup in the ear drum. The disease usually just happens all of a sudden and usually in one ear. It's not a progressive disease. It just happens one day. Doctors have no clue as to what causes it, much less how to treat it. The doctor did tell me to avoid anything with salt in it, caffeine and smoking. You know all the stuff doctors tell you to avoid anyway. Mine seems to be triggered by stress and lack of sleep more than anything. I can go to bed with my left ear rigging but if I get a good night sleep, it's not ringing in the morning.

My wife insisted I get a hearing aid. The lady who did the test said she had Meniere's disease but she said hearing loss is not related to the disease. Instead she said is was probably from driving with the window down.

I have had two full blown Meniere's attacks since I was diagnosed with it. This is where the room starts spinning, you can't balance and you throw up. The last attack was about three years ago. My main problem is the tinnitus in my left ear.

The other downside is I've lost most of my low frequency hearing loss, so any high pitch noises like my parent's Schnauzer barking or a baby screeching magnifies the noise. You might as well poke my temple with an ice pitch. Also my hearing loss falls in the frequency range of a telephone. So I have to hold the receiver up to my right ear.

I've also worked in a chemical plant for 25 years. This one machine we have to operate 2 hours per day runs at 85 decibels. They said at this volume, ear plugs were not enough. The company's answer was wear ear plugs and ear muffs. Even though I have always worn hearing protection even when I am at my house, I'm not sure if my job has caused my hearing loss. But I have not suffered any in my right hear.

BTW, my wife asked me the other day why lawnmower engines were so loud. The only thing I can think of is the engine blocks are so thin, that's were allot of the noise comes from. And the mufflers they install don't do that much anyway.