Hi all! I have a toro wheel horse lawn tractor that I am in the process of replacing a blown head gasket. does anyone know the proper head bolt torque sequence? I have looked everywhere to no avail! it is a 1996 14hp Briggs model# 28N707 0131-01 I have looked on Briggs site and all I can find is the torque spec not the sequence? Thanks for your help!
Is this what you are looking for...!
Yeah, it is not that critical, just criss/cross the head in gradual increments.
That's what I was thinking, and prob. be what I will do! alternate bolts and tighten three or four times little by little till I get to the proper torque! Thanks!
I don't know the number of different head bolt I have tighten through the years. Never had any problems with sequence. I never look at a chart but do it as Fish has just posted here. The only thing he left out is always work in a circle.
Yeah, I jokingly tell folks that we "ain't workin' on no space shuttle", but small engines have their own quirks and oddities which can make one pull his/her hair out....