Hard starting


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Briggs stopped posting cylinder compression years ago so there is no answer to your question. I asked for ALL engine numbers because the techs on this site (those with 20+ year of experience) use these numbers to to tell us more about the engine than 90% of the people who need help do. When questions are asked about compression you rely on past experience most time, not a spec. Being that we may be 1000 miles away you need to supply us with the info we request if you really want help. As I stated a variety of causes can contribute to a compression problem, but you gave us so little info that we had to fall back on guessing as to the cause. Another thing is that a major blown head gasket will not allow an engine to run properly after it is started, that’s why I suggested looking at a fuel problem. It’s time you back off and pull up your britches and start looking at your posts from our side of the fence. You are mad at us because we asked for more info which you didn’t give us. I guess you think it is our problem for not responding to your request in a manner that you feel you are owned. Sorry about that, but it doesn’t work that way. Time for us to get back the members who appreciate any help they get, as they pay us back with a thank you, even if the problem is solved by the time we get back to them.

Jeff P51

Jul 2, 2022
Not mad, disappointed. You are supposed to be professionals..maybe u should start acting like it. All I got was attitude. Im 61 years old, been working on small gas engines probably before most of you were born. I only ask questions to confirm my suspicions or get specs. Dont need techs on a power trip giving attitude...

Jeff P51

Jul 2, 2022
Oh...thanks for the help...and your wrong..the engine actually ran fine once it started


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I’m well north of 70 so I probably was working on hit-n- miss engines before you knew what an engine was. Instead of giving us your suspensions maybe supply the info requested. If you are as experienced as you claim you would know that the better the picture you paint, the more help you get. If you really read my last post you would have seen that we know it ran fine after starting, which it will do if the heat gasket is not completely blown.

Jeff P51

Jul 2, 2022
Your post just confirms what I thought about you. I did nothing wrong. I asked a question. I was basically attacked by one of your other Techs, being accused of posting a problem I knew the answer to, which at the time of posting I didn't know..I run a small lawnmower repair shop part time in addition to working a full time job. Seems like maybe your heads are so full of crap, u forgot how to answer simple questions, like will a 4 cycle engine run on 30psi of compression..really, u need a model , code and type number to answer that? You reading out of a book? If your well north of 70, maybe its time to hang up your wrenches..

Jeff P51

Jul 2, 2022
Every tech or mechanic regardless of experience may from time to time run into a problem they are having trouble diagnosing. Its a good thing to have professional people you can bounce things off of to try and figure things out. Obviously this is not one of those places.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
This site has helped more people than you think. Bad mouthing the site and the professionals who volunteer their time and expertise shows the type of professional you are. If you are such a professional you would know that a 4 cycle engine will run on a lot less compression, as long as you can give it enough fuel and a very hot spark. The service techs on this site frown on making guesses when we try helping people with their problems, which is why we try to get as much info as possible to have a better understanding of what is going on. Remember we are not psychic or standing next to you with a strong drink in hand, which I doubt you would provide unless we paid for it, to see exactly what you are talking about. In your case I asked for model, type and code numbers because I wanted to see if your engine had an ACR. Finally every experienced tech in this industry know that when they need help, they go to other experienced techs to get it. They also know to get the best help you give your mentor as much information as possible, as there are always variances to the solution, such as brand, size, condition, use, etc. which they take into account before answering. As for telling me to hang up my wrenches, I would do so if there weren’t so many guys like you who still need training in this industry as how to repair equipment and handle different questions. Oh by the way, manuals and books are still used by us old farts, as they are most times more reliable than the internet.

Jeff P51

Jul 2, 2022
Attacking me , insulting me and arguing with me shows how professional you are. I dont care how much knowledge you have. Now run along and try to help people instead of justifying your immaturity


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Are you sure that your fingers didn’t push the wrong keys and you are 16, not 61, because you aren’t acting like an experienced professional. More like a teenager who can’t accept it when he’s proven wrong. I hope you don’t need help with any more equipment, as you have burnt the bridge with the good techs on this site. We’ve seen lots of DIY guys like you in the past and after being put in place they just disappear, which is what you should do. Bye, bye, bye, or should I say “see you later bro?”