I acquired a Honda GCV 160 lawn mower that hasn't been started in a few years. Dismantled and cleaned carburetor. Replaced gas and cleaned air filter. Engine has manual choke. Takes 20-25 pulls to start engine. Once it warms up it takes only a single pull to restart engine. Any ideas on what is the problem. Thanks.
No need to do that.
Whne you look at the throttle control you will see that when you get near the full throttle you will see a little tang start to move up.
With the throttle control on full choke see if you can move this tang any further.
If you can then loosen the clmp on the control wire and move the nnetire wire back till the choke lever is fully colsed ( won't move any further ).
Then back off the control and check that you get no spark in the closed position.
If good tighten up the cable, they do tend to move foreword a bit if the clamp is not quite tight enough.
As mentioned, your choke isn't closing. I'm having the same problem and haven't figured out what has gone out of adjustment.
Be aware when you remove the three bolts holding on the air filter housing, ten carb and linkage parts go catawhampus out of alignment. Been suggested to make studs to hold them in alignment when removing each bolt.