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Hard Start after parking on Hill




I have a LTX1000 21.5HP tractor and I was doing some tree clean up and parked on about a 45-degree ditch with the noise down and when I was finished filling the trailer the tractor was very hard to start almost seemed like it was flooded. This happened twice that day. Yesterday just to try something I parked it on the same ditch but with the front going uphill and after sitting for a bit it started just fine. Question is what would cause the hard start with the front going downhill? I am not looking for trouble but just don't know why this would be happening and if it is really worth looking into before some other problem is in the future with this hard start issue. I have all the numbers for the unit but didn't post them as I didn't think they would be needed in this case but can post if really needed. Thanks




How was / is your fuel level ? Tanks have baffles to maintain level fuel when using the machine but sitting at an angle it will all migrate to the lowest point, which may not be where your inlet is at that time




Normally engine are not design to operate at angles greater than 15 degrees. You can run them dry on oil at grater angles causing engine damage. As for the tank having baffles they don't on this mower. Plus the fuel outlet is at the bottom of the tank. Most likely the carburetor float valve was not able to seal off as intended causing flooding.




StarTech you are correct this tank does not have baffles, but I did not know about the 15 degrees so from now on will keep this in mind when and if this hill parking comes up again. Another question about the fuel tank do ypu happen to know why the tank outlet kind of has a restriction built into it? I noticed this when I done a fuel line replacement and at first was going to drill it out but didn't. I have no other running problems even with that small restriction. Thanks for the fast reply.




Have a close look at the restrictor
some tanks have filters built in
Others can have casting flashes that were not properly cleaned off .
