James if yours
has an igniter module ... and being later '90s it may not ... it'll look like the thing in this guy's video:
This "igniter" was a commonly used on the 1 cyl Kawasaki's until they later incorporated its function into the coil. (You could replace the coil with the later design but no one really does that since this part is much easier to get to and they last for years.)
On my LX176 and 265's it's
not hidden like it is on his 185. But expect it to be on the same side and with a wire coming down out of the engine cover.
1) If yours uses an igniter they can be bought inexpensively enough to keep as a spare if this doesn't fix the issue. A replacement won't be exactly the same shape but that's OK.
2) Cheaper replacements will be shown including a separate wire ... if the wire is for ground, don't buy it. The igniter is normally grounded right on the engine by the screw that secures it, so you shouldn't have to hassle with a replacement that has an electrically inert chassis. Hope that makes sense.