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Grumble grumble grumble snow




I officially hate snow, we have had to shovel continuously for the last week and it just keeps coming. I think we need a good shovel, do you prefer plastic or metal?




I hear you on the shoveling. I really haven't had to do much of it, but when I have, it's metal all the way. I just don't think the plastic ones work as well.




When I bought my house the garage was completely empty except for a brand new plastic snow shovel. I think the previous owner was playing a cruel joke on me because it's no secret that we get a lot of snow around here. It must have been their way of saying "have fun!" :laughing:

Anyway the shovel was plastic and I said I'd never need that because I always used metal but I must say that one shovel is the perfect shape to scoop up the thick wet snow on walkways and the like... not good for the plowing action but definitely not a bad shovel.




I much prefer plastic (the snow doesn't stick as much), but only after it has been properly ground down. Brand new ones don't work as well because the bottom isn't shaped right. It needs a few snows and a bit of shoveling to break it in.

Specifically, orange plastic with a wooden handle.

Not that I'm picky or anything...




I much prefer plastic (the snow doesn't stick as much)...

Exactly; the snow doesn't stick to plastic as soon, and plastic shovels are generally a bit lighter, which is a great plus if you're planning to do a lot of shoveling.




Get one of each... You will use the plastic one almost all the time... except when the wet snow freezes and then the metal one will work best.... :smile:KennyV




I used my metal shovel -- actually a regular flat shovel, not a show shovel -- the most I've used it in years this week. We had about four inches of fairly wet stuff so I went at it on my steps, walk and about half the alley. It was over an hour of pretty hard work so I felt like I got a workout.





Thanks for the replies folks. The husband prefers metal and I prefer plastic because it is lighter, but we recently broke two of our shovels shoveling snow so we need to find some replacements.




... husband prefers metal and I prefer plastic ... need to find some replacements.

There you go monica... get one of each.... :smile:KennyV




Get one of each... You will use the plastic one almost all the time... except when the wet snow freezes and then the metal one will work best.... :smile:KennyV

I like the way you think. That is brilliant, now all I need to do is find a really good sale! I hate paying full price for things.




... I hate paying full price for things.

Me TOO.... :smile:KennyV




I like the way you think. That is brilliant, now all I need to do is find a really good sale! I hate paying full price for things.

Snow shovels rarely go on sale during the time you need them...one of the facts of life.




Monica123 -- my compliments for one of the best thread titles.:thumbsup:

I think the tools that you need for snow removal depend on where you are. In the Southeast, when it does snow, it tends to melt, re-freeze, etc. -- so you need something pretty sturdy to deal with the ice. I'm guessing that you don't get as much melting and re-freezing in Canada.




I officially hate snow, we have had to shovel continuously for the last week and it just keeps coming. I think we need a good shovel, do you prefer plastic or metal?

big metal bucket on the front of a nice kubota-:thumbsup:
