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Grasshopper 930d hydro issue




Hey guys,

I have a 2012 ish 930D with only 300 hours and the left hydro pump seems to have went out today while mowing. No warning noises at all... just stopped working. No leaks, fluid is good, linkage seems fine, right side works fine. The fan is not spinning on the left pump, and I can turn the fan blade freely with my hand. I cannot turn the right side fan blade at all?

Can't find my owners manual, but hoping it may be something simple so I can get the rest of yard mowed before calling the repair shop tomorrow.

Any suggestions?



Its Me

Its Me

sounds like new pump time, don't waste money on repairing it.




Check that the shaft is turning when the pulley is turning
If not then either new pulley or new shaft or both .




Agree with previous post. Check to see that pulley'/ sheave is firmly fixed to shaft. Could be that simple. Hydro pumps do fafil more commonly than the hydro motors do. But 300 hrs is nothing to a 930D series. Guessing loose component from what you say.
