Governor trouble.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
that spring goes into the hole on the air vane the hook end goes to the linkage on the throttle arm you have to turn t he carb body to hook it in. there is not a whole lot of spring tension there and as stated earlier your spring looks good reassembly goes a lot easier if the top and gas tank are removed along with the trans belt cover.First make sure the governor spring and primer hose and throttle cable are connected its hard to put on when carb is attached Remember to put the little plastic hose divider on the primer hose take the two long screws and align them in the air box to carb body making sure the metal paper gasket goes between air box and carb the next gasket has two small indents in it from the previous install make sure it goes back on the same way it came off it it is best to have someone screw the carb in while you line it up to the block get the carb down by the block and put the air vane in its hole then place the heat shield on the screws the block gasket sometimes stays on line up the carb and have someone screw it up but not all the way place the induction tube in the inlet making sure it sits in the notch now tighten the carb screws but NOT TOO TIGHT install the air filter and cover put on a fuel cutoff valve on fuel line at the bend in the hose put hose divider on fuel inlet and reattach hose put top cover back on and you are done if it wont start with 3 primes on one pull check for spark