Getting Pissed


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Boy lately I have been getting pissed off. The customers are back at coming to my place after hours. Now they start\ed coming on Sundays, my only day off. I work 10 hr / day 6 days a week. When the last one show last night at 10pm I blew my top and told him to leave. He said I have piece of equipment for you to work on now. Hell he woke me up. I told him to come back in the morning after 9am as I already had a pickup to do at 8:30am locally.

I back at putting up the chain across the driveway again I am tire of being pestered on Sundays. I felt like just putting the guy out of his and my misery. I done had to unplug my office/home phones at night to stop the ringing. I even had one idiot to call at 2 am wanting me to fix a mower.

IF this keeps up I probably will close down when I turn 65 next year, put my place up for sale, and move.

Tiger Small Engine

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2022
Boy lately I have been getting pissed off. The customers are back at coming to my place after hours. Now they start\ed coming on Sundays, my only day off. I work 10 hr / day 6 days a week. When the last one show last night at 10pm I blew my top and told him to leave. He said I have piece of equipment for you to work on now. Hell he woke me up. I told him to come back in the morning after 9am as I already had a pickup to do at 8:30am locally.

I back at putting up the chain across the driveway again I am tire of being pestered on Sundays. I felt like just putting the guy out of his and my misery. I done had to unplug my office/home phones at night to stop the ringing. I even had one idiot to call at 2 am wanting me to fix a mower.

IF this keeps up I probably will close down when I turn 65 next year, put my place up for sale, and move.
The 1% (or in your case maybe more) that cannot abide by your business hours and have some common decency, will ruin it for the rest of the good customers. I have similar problems, but apparently not nearly to the extent you have. Do NOT answer the phone after hours. Return phone messages the next business day. Do NOT allow people to drop off equipment when you are not there to receive it. Do NOT let people take advantage of you in a persistent yet polite manner. Learn how to say “no”. I speak from experience because I have had to learn to put my foot down. I am not there at their beck and call. If these people that think they are special cannot follow basic business rules, then we cannot and will not do business.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Oh I had to the same thing back in '14/'15 time frame. It just started again so the saying history repeats itself is true. I am just a lot grumpier and in pain sometimes than back then. I even had one idiot back then to take down my chain and proceeded to drive to shop and started loading his repaired mower. I made him unload it and come during normal hours. On top that I insisted on Cash because of his attitude. I haven't seen him back and really don't care.

What I don't get is they want to be respected and have time off but don't respect ones. Those are same people that wants to only work 4 day weeks.

I don't mind working 6 days but since I live alone I need my day off to get my household things done. Like housework which is now way behind. Hopefully in a couple weeks I will have running water again as the tank should arrive soon then I got major floor mopping and carpet cleaning to do.

And it been one busy early Spring start up too as I am still nearly 3 weeks behind. Nice weather helps a lot and I got a possible 4 days this week without rain. But I am still doing some emergecy repairs to chain saw due to a recent storm in my area taking down a lot trees and killing one person. I just wish those customers had prepared for the storm season ahead of time.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
Well, sounds like you are doing their work well.. Some don't have any customers..


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
I'd put a sign up at your entrance with your hours.
or more specifically,
CLOSED on Sunday.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
My business phone number is through godaddy smart line. It routes the calls to my cell phone. It only rings from 7 am to 8 pm. All my customers know to call me first before dropping something off and they have to schedule picking something up. My business cards say "hours vary. Please call first". I have come home to find a piece of equipment sitting in front of the shop but I usually have a message about it.