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FS36 trimmer




soo i was given an FS36 trimmer... im not sure why cuz the thing runs decently as long as you keep the choke somewheres in between run and choke.. so im assuming carb is dirty or fuel filter is filling up full of crud... is there anything i should be aware of before dabbling in this? ive never really worked on 2stroke engines before so diaphram carbs are new to me

im half tempted to run seafoam or something in the fuel mix to see if itl save me the carb rebuild and go ahead and change the fuel filter

now, the guy who gave it to me has a couple 2 stroke engines in his stable and the mix he needs goes to 25to1 which is what he runs in all his 2stroke stuff.. just to keep it simple in the shed.. im wondering if twice the reguired oil might not have fouled the carb up sooner than otherwise?? if so would a fuel treatment (afformentionned seafoam for eample) be able to clean up the gunk?




It will foul the plug for sure. Dump the junk and get the premixed stuff at an autoparts store. While you are at it a new plug too. One can of the premixed will clean your carb great.




...One can of the premixed will clean your carb great.

Ive tried many engine treatments with no results but to actually fix the problem- cars or small engine but hey its your $5....
With your problem, it likely can be fixed with a simple adjustment. Just turn the fuel mix screws CCW a hair and adjust accordingly. (high speed left, idle right) Post if u dont know where to find the adjustment screws.




Why is it that everyone instantly wants to dive into the carb.
You start at the fuel tank, fuel lines, vent, filter , fuel lines then the air filter
After that you start to look at the carb




Why is it that everyone instantly wants to dive into the carb.
You start at the fuel tank, fuel lines, vent, filter , fuel lines then the air filter
After that you start to look at the carb

i agree with you there.. and so far. adjustments have been positive... its now running on RUN and idling well. cuting head not turning at idle.. good response to suddent throttle and plenty of power with a slight does of bluish smoke (id rather run rich for now as long as its well lubed) to the exhaust..

i wanted to know exatcly what you suggested.. paths other than the carb for fuel delivery woes... my only other small engine experience is snowblowers and lawn mowers.. both 4 strokes.. and the only one who gave me any attitude is the snow blower really... which got trouble shot from tank to carb.. and the only issue i found was the carb which was replaced and it ran superb.. not being farmilliar with 2 strokes i thaught wise to seek help before diving at the carb... and after having fiddled with the 3 adjustments.. heck id use it as is untill i run out of adjustment room really... now of course.. maintnaince woes tell me filters (air and fuel) and fuel lines would be extra insurance at this point.. and in due time im sure

you mention the vent.. where the devil is that?? i mean for the thing to be able to be in any angle and no fuel be leaking... unless it has a valve sorta like a car PCV setup... yet it isnt giving me any indications of a vent being plugged soo...




...to suddent throttle and plenty of power with a slight does of bluish smoke...
So this is with the adjustment or additive?




Why is it that everyone instantly wants to dive into the carb.
You start at the fuel tank, fuel lines, vent, filter , fuel lines then the air filter
After that you start to look at the carb
FYI bert but logic from the users post implies the problem is NOT the items u want to check again and the problem can likely fixed with a carb adjustment. I don't do what tech support in India does start in step 1 "is the computer plugged in?" When I am already in VI with the file open trying to debug Apache firewall problem. If that is how you work, go nuts.

Personally, additives only mask the current problem if anything and one would eventually go to fixing or replacing the culprit. If these fluids are good enough to get it running and out the door with the customer, go nuts.




It will foul the plug for sure. Dump the junk and get the premixed stuff at an autoparts store. While you are at it a new plug too. One can of the premixed will clean your carb great.

I ment premixed gas. Not additive.




So this is with the adjustment or additive?

adjustment only




Marty, earlier you ask "the vent.. where the devil is that??"
When say vent, r they talking about the vacuum vent? On this model, if u take the rear half of the body off inside the cover on the side of the fill cap is a 3rd fuel hose with a plastic vent on the end. it only works 1 way to let air into the tank. this leaking out here will loose pressure in tank and thus not run right if at all. I removed mine and plugged the hose with a golf tee cuz of the leak. :p
Being yours runs fine, you dont have this problem.




FYI bert but logic from the users post implies the problem is NOT the items u want to check again and the problem can likely fixed with a carb adjustment. I don't do what tech support in India does start in step 1 "is the computer plugged in?" When I am already in VI with the file open trying to debug Apache firewall problem. If that is how you work, go nuts.

Personally, additives only mask the current problem if anything and one would eventually go to fixing or replacing the culprit. If these fluids are good enough to get it running and out the door with the customer, go nuts.

The carburettor was set at the factory to work correctly under a specific set of conditions.
These settings do not change overnight , unless you believe in Gremlins ,the predefined conditions change so the settings are no longer correct.
The second biggest source of blocked fuel supply is debris from Walbro style felt fuel filters.

I repair this type of gear for a living and do not have the time to fix a downstream problem several times because of an upstream problem which was causing to problem downstream in the first place
So you start at the beginning and work your way through to the end and the end is retuning the engine.

You start to fix a carb problem by verifing all of the inputs to the carb.
This is logical and methodical n method of working rather than requiring on best guesses.
I like to fix things once & fix them right not just make some adjustments to compensate for a problem which will get worse over time.




The carburettor was set at the factory to work correctly under a specific set of conditions.
These settings do not change overnight , unless you believe in Gremlins ,the predefined conditions change so the settings are no longer correct.
The second biggest source of blocked fuel supply is debris from Walbro style felt fuel filters.

I repair this type of gear for a living and do not have the time to fix a downstream problem several times because of an upstream problem which was causing to problem downstream in the first place
So you start at the beginning and work your way through to the end and the end is retuning the engine.

You start to fix a carb problem by verifing all of the inputs to the carb.
This is logical and methodical n method of working rather than requiring on best guesses.
I like to fix things once & fix them right not just make some adjustments to compensate for a problem which will get worse over time.

if thats how you fix customers equiement thats great! itl keep em coming bck for the same issue kinda deal... but fo mr.. if its got adjustments.. my own stuff here. ill keep adjusting untill i run out of wiggle room.. then fix the issue that needs to be fixed.. thats my stuff. my things.. my way.. and i thank you for not talking down to me for it




I ment premixed gas. Not additive.

Yes. sorry. I have no problem with the premix other than the price. I was thinking of another post where the person insists all kinds of additives instantly fix their problems.
