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Ford LS55 blowing fuse



Chad Vogel

I'm new to this site so any help would be appreciated. I'll give you a rundown of what has been going on.

This all started with my ignition switch going bad. I have replaced it with the correct model thru Ford/New Holland and currently have it wired correctly. I say that because the first time wiring it, I had wires mixed up on the switch. Now that I have corrected that issue the mower starts every time. However the mower will run at full throttle with blade running (or not) for a short period of time, then it will die/blowing the 25A fuse. The mower will idle for over 30 minutes without blowing the fuse. The 25A fuse is not the main fuse to the system. That fuse is a 30A. Could this issue be the voltage regulator? Or something else?



mechanic mark

Are you saying engine runs at full throttle just fine but when you engage mower blades it runs for a short period of time & blows fuse? If this is the case try adjusting air gap at PTO clutch. Also check all wiring by hand making sure all connections are tight & secure including ground straps & cables, inspect all connections at backside of dash & look for bare wires, wires chafing to frame, etc.

https://www.google.com/search?sourc...st pto clutch&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.18897j0j8

Post engine manufacturer as well as all numbers from engine, thanks.

http://www.kohlerengines.com/onlinecatalog/pdf/24_690_07_EN.pdf see troubleshooting section

https://www.google.com/search?sourc...ford ls55 tractor&aqs=chrome..69i57.33163j0j8



Chad Vogel

Engine will idle without issue. Its when I run at full throttle for a period of time that it blows the fuse. It does this with and without blades being engaged. Therefore, I didn't feel like it had anything to do with the PTO, but I could be wrong.



Chad Vogel

It has a Kohler 18hp command engine. That is all I have as I'm not at home at the moment



Chad Vogel

Thank you for the websites and suggestions....do you have any other options for me?
