Well said fastback. I spent 24 years in the military dealing with very mixed brands of tools that comprised the tool box issued to us. Frequently I had to supplement with quality privately purchased tools to do the job. I recall issued combination wrenches that had a box end so thick that they looked like plastic toy tools from Walmart. As aircraft mechs would get together and swap tools to get more same brand named sets before we had to mark the tools to identify to whom they were issued. As time passed we were finally issued complete sets of SnapOn tools including nice roller cabinets. The tools had to be shadowed in which meant using 1/2" thick foam draw liner and mark and cut the foam to fit each tool. We also had to use double sided tape to keep the foam in place in the draws. A quick look in the draws would show if tools were missing. Absolutely no loose tools allowed, not an easy thing to comply with. Not a good thing to leave tools in an aircraft!!!
As a mech in civilian life, I had to have a shop set, mobile set in my truck, and my home tools. My wife would always give me grief when I would give her the tool receipts when she would do our taxes. I still have the receipts from the 60s to now, if I had that money now I could buy myself a new Corvette!!!!
Mad Mackie in CT