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I signed up on here last year but hadn't posted yet. I do check in and read posts every once in awhile! My husband and I have a lawn maintenance business that we started 24 years ago. From April thru October we work strictly on lawns and in the winter we do pruning and some landscaping.




Hello ans Good to see you posting... let us know how things are going in BC...




Hi msintrepid1! WELCOME!

That's great you run your own lawn care business. You would probably enjoy our new Commercial & Residential Lawn Mowing Forum. :thumbsup:




Things are great this year! It's been a cool wet spring so the grass is staying nice and green so far! Last year there were watering bans through the summer in the area where we work, so there were a lot of lawn care people who were a bit cranky. This year they are going to allow watering twice a week, so things should be better!




... Last year there were watering bans through the summer...

I'm surprised that you had any kind of a water shortage in your area. I think of BC as perpetually misty and green.

Here in the Deep South, we've had a very dry and hot spell for the last few weeks -- I'm hoping that it will let up.




We live in a rain forest area so it was rather ironic that they banned watering. Hope you get better lawn weather where you are soon!
