Finished: Rebuilt rear axle Toro 22" Personal Pace for a friend.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
  • / Finished: Rebuilt rear axle Toro 22" Personal Pace for a friend.
he is as happy as a clam. He cares for his belongings in general and it cleaned up like a new mower. Cleaning the bottom of the deck I was able to kill the rust and get a good thick coating of Epoxy paint on it. The top and plastic is immaculate. The bottom looks like new now. Owning some classic German cars I do have experience killing rust. The thing cuts and drives great. The wheels and a couple other expendables were the most expensive part of this. New Toro mowers do not rate as well as the older ones. That is just how it is these days. That said, with all new genuine parts it will outlive him. Any used mower here will have the same issues other than maybe good wheels but then the used mower will cost more than new genuineToro wheels. Because of the cost of genuine parts, several of you are shooting your businesses in the foot when your future customers read your comments and head to the big box stores rather than hire you to fix their mowers.
My customers couldn't or wouldn't even consider going to buy wheels and replaced them.
Way before that... They would have no idea IF the prob was the wheels or not. They would call and say the drive doesn't work can you at it.
Man, I try to turn customers away -multiple times every day!
Yes, even Sundays, I get lots of calls.
I tell them that with toros overall, the parts that fail that would need mess up drive are belt issues, cable issues, wheel and wheel drive gear issues, and transmission failure - in that order.
They can't do much of the work and don't want to risk picking the wrong thing to replace even if they are feeling ambitious. Lol
That is certainly best because most every customer that tries to fix their mower causes more harm/work/expense by doing so.

It's almost to the point that if they say they did anything to it, I don't want to even touch it.
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Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
  • / Finished: Rebuilt rear axle Toro 22" Personal Pace for a friend.
so if the wheel is in two parts you would not know it was bad, is that what you are saying?