Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine
I taught my students to use the 1/4” passed method, because it would work on engines with and without ACR systems. It made it easier for them to remember one method only, than trying to figure out if they had an ARC system. I called it the KISS way of teaching.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
  • / Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine
EOIC (Exhaust Opening, Intake Closing) Method of Adjusting Solid Lifter Valve Clearances

1. Remove the valve cover(s).

2. Identify the intake and exhaust valves. You have to know which is which.

3..Determine which direction the crankshaft turns when the engine is running. You do not have to remove the spark plug(s) but it makes rotating the engine easier.

4. Setting the Intake Valve Clearance. While looking at the EXHAUST valve, rotate the crankshaft in the direction it turns while running. Continue turning the crankshaft until the exhaust valve has just started to open. Set the clearance on the INTAKE valve.

5. Setting the Exhaust Valve Clearance. Continue rotating the engine until the INTAKE valve is almost closed. Set the clearance on the EXHAUST valve.

6. Check Your Work. Rotate the engine a turn or two and repeat the above steps to check the clearances you just set.

7. Reinstall the valve cover(s) and check for leaks.

That's all there is to it. If you have engine manufacturer's instructions that differ from the above, use the manufacturer's method.

I don't know who 'invented' the EIOC method of setting solid lifter cam clearances. It wasn't me; I read about it in a Crane or Comp Cams book a long time ago. It works for any 4-cycle, solid lifter cam engine.

It really helps if you can visualize the 'Mouse Ears' end view of a camshaft with the exhaust and intake lobe profiles superimposed over one another. They make a 'V' with roughly 110 degrees between the centerlines of the two lobes. Then you can see that as the exhaust lobe is just beginning to open the exhaust valve, the intake lifter will be directly opposite of the peak lift portion of the intake valve cam lobe. That 'sweet spot' of the cam lobe is called the 'base circle.' That is where valve clearances are expected to be adjusted.

Similarly, visualize rotating the pair of cam lobes until the intake has just closed, the peak lift portion of the exhaust lobe is directly opposite its lifter.

Once you can visualize what you're doing, you don't have to memorize anything other than EOIC.


Forum Newbie
Jul 22, 2020
  • / Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine
I’d been having issues with engine, while mowing, and about 1+30 into the mow, engine was / is losing power and starting to back fire (unclear to me whether through the Carb or Muffler). My Brother (via long distance call said it sounded to him like I have a Valve “Acting Up,” rather than a Carburetor Issue). Yesterday, after reading Kaw Service Manual, I looked into adjusting valves. Started with Cyl. # 1, got what I believed the Cyl. to be at TDC & set the Intake to .006. Went to Exhaust, Clearance was NON-EXISTANT, so proceeded to adjust via the Manual, and Exhaust Valve NEVER FREED UP. Moved Cyl. OFF TDC (Don’t know how much / far), and Valve moved to where there was some Clearance, after having none. Scratched my Head, moved Cyl. #2 to TDC, and adjusted both Valves to .006, WITHOUT ANY DIFFICULTY. Moved Cyl. #1 BACK TO TDC, proceeded to Adjust those Valves again. Adjusted Intake with no issues, but Exhaust STILL WILL NOT ADJUST OUT OF A “NO CLEARANCE” Condition. Outside of taking the Head Off and examining what’s going on under there, does anyone have any suggestions of what I might try to free this valve up and adjust while at TDC. I’m certainly not a “Professional Mechanic,” and would appreciate all the feedback / recommendation(s) anyone can offer. Next Stop just might have to be to my “Over-Priced JD Dealer,” and a 2 - 3 week back logged visit. Thanks for your Responses.
Givemeabreak attempting to set valve lash without knowing where Top Dead Center is akin to a brain surgeon not knowing anything about the brain. I am not slamming you but being vey mechanically inclined myself I know when to say when. There are some jobs you have to leave to the professionals even If you saw the training video. Call for help before you really mess things up for yourself.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
  • / Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine
Finding TDC is completely unnecessary and from the description given by the OP, that's exactly what he did--he found TDC, except it was the wrong one.


Forum Newbie
May 29, 2022
  • / Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine
Did You ever figure out the valve lash problem Bud..