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Engine starts with starter fluid then dies




My B&S lawnmower starts when I add starter fluid or prime for a while, then dies. I have cleaned out the ENTIRE carb, checked the gas and its filter, but nothing helps. Any ideas why or how to fix it?




To give a meanngful answer we ned to know which B & S engine you are having trouble with ( Model & code numbers please ) and what it is in.




Here is what I haveIMG-3440.JPGIMG-3441.JPG




My B&S lawnmower starts when I add starter fluid or prime for a while, then dies. I have cleaned out the ENTIRE carb, checked the gas and its filter, but nothing helps. Any ideas why or how to fix it?
Loosen the gas cap and try again. Just a hunch......




Dies how ?
it makes a difference when trying to diagnose your problems over the web .
Does it just slow down & stop
Rev up a couple of times & stop like when you run the tank dry
just stop dead.
And the numbers we need are the ones on the rocker cover under the black plastic cover.




It sounds the same as when the tank is run dry. There are no numbers under the plastic cover, so not sure what others you might need (both the engine serial number and type are there.)
HarmoneySeeker, it does not make a difference, even if you take the cap completely off.




Firstly being 125 cc engine the model number will start with 08 or just plain 8 and be 5 or 6 digits.
125 cc = 7.6 cu inch and the first digit ( or 2 ) is the cu inch of the engine. And they generally round up .
The serial number just tells me it was made on Dec 14 2003
08?(5,6,7,or8 )02
Obviously you are not getting any fuel into the cylinder so that means he carb is not clean or the fuel supply line is blocked or the inlet valve is not opening fully or there is a massive air leak between the carb & the engine.

I am not in the USa so can not access a lot of manufacturers web portals so without a proper engine number so I can look up the briggs IPL this is as far as I can take you.




Well, that rules out a bad cap.
After that, the problem becomes as nebulous as bert suggests. As you are skillful enough to be able to clean a carburetor, the next steps should be fairly evident.
Personally, I commend you. I was always told 'carburetor' was a French word that translated to, 'Don't eff with it'.
A maxim I have held to this day.
Good Luck!




The model #s may be dot stamped on block. Here's a 550EX.




Model number is 08P502-0047-F1
