I sometimes think that in many cases, the parent letting the kid ride has little to do with the kid's desires but everything to do with the parent's.
They want to have their kid ride with
them to fulfill some fantasy they have built up over the years and in doing so, they put their kid in a hazardous situation to satisfy their own desire. When anyone tells them they are putting their kid into a hazardous situation, they become very defensive and out comes the long list of reasons they use to justify their actions. Their ability to differentiate between fairly benign situations and truly hazardous ones seems to evaporate!
I was allowed to ride on the tractors once I turned 10 and I started to use the tractors (by myself) on the farm when I was 12 and by the time I was 13, I was putting in just as long a day as the men did when doing summerfallowing. It wasn't much longer before I was more capable than they were when it came to handling the tractors. (They weren't the best, and I had a knack for it! :biggrin
It was a good age (12) for me to start because I had grown enough by then to reach all the controls...and I never ever had any close calls with any of the equipment on the (1440 acre) farm. I honestly can't say if that was due to good planning or luck, probably a mixture of both, but the fact remains I never had any close calls.
Just my :2cents: :smile: