You need to take the entire assy off the pressure washer and figure out what is blocked.
How it works: water in the inlet, goes into pump and pressurized, comes out of pump. Goes onto the unloader assy. If trigger pulled the water comes out the hose and wand. Release the trigger and pressure builds till unloader opens and water is just recirculated back through the pump. As water is recirculating in the pump it is getting hotter and hotter. At some point the water boils and the pressure goes high enough to blow the over pressure/thermal relief valve. Some are self resetting and some blow out requiring a new valve. Some screw into the side of the pump and some are in the outlet assy. The better pumps have it screwed into the pump body.
If you release the trigger and it kills the engine that usually means the unloader is stuck, corroded, rusted. On some pressure washers the pressure regulator and unloader are made together. Some they are separate. Take some pics.