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Dayton Lawn Tractor




I just got a Dayton Lawn tractor with a 16hp vertical engine.
I was told its an antique and I wpould like to find any information I can on the tractor and motor.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
A rural okie


midnite rider

midnite rider

Post a picture and a model # if you can find one on it. Was it sold at Graingers as they carry Dayton products? It may be a garden tractor with a 16HP motor as the old lawn tractors motors were usually around 10HP. Does it look like this one that was made in 1977 manufactured for Dayton by MTD?DaytonTractor12.jpg

If so here is a link to a 1980 manual.
Hope this is helpful to you. If you want information on the motor we will need the model # for it as well. :biggrin:




Thank you for your reply. Yes it looks like the one in the picture. I will get model number and post a picture of it first chance I get.
Thank you again.
The rural okie Robert lol


midnite rider

midnite rider

Once you get the model # we can determine the year of manufacture and get the specific manual for it. :thumbsup:




Welcome to LawnMowerForum!

I moved your thread to the General Mower Discussion Forum. :smile:
