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Cutting grass every 5 days now !




It is monsoon season in Florida & I have to cut grass every 5 days to keep up with it. I am still using my Greenworks 60v self propelled mower & am very pleased with it. Once the grass dries a little more, I will go out & cut the front yard. I usually cut the front one day & the back the next day. The temperature is 85 right now, with 75% humidity, SO, you can see why I don't cut all of it at one time !




You ought try 95 with 75% here. It making nearly impossible to work in the afternoons now. Just showers enough to make it a steam bath.




You ought try 95 with 75% here. It making nearly impossible to work in the afternoons now. Just showers enough to make it a steam bath.
it will probably be that hot later this afternoon. After a hot sweaty day, I take a " Lemon Joy " shower in cold water . Wonderfully refreshing !



1 Lucky Texan

what is this ' r a i n ' you speak of?




Yep, we are on a the wet & toasty side here.. If it's not raining the humidity is just zapping ya..



1 Lucky Texan

59 days no rain.




Wow, that sounds too dry..




59 days no rain.
Haven't cut grass in about 1.5 months...



1 Lucky Texan

and we were on once a week water restriction for part of the time due to our town having one bad pump. now we are on twice a week - actually kinda normal for most of DFW in the summer.

no rain in the forecast, still triple digits.......
Wow, that sounds too dry.




Got a friend out west.
They have a 6 year old daughter who was terrified when it finally rained last year as she had never seen rain or heard it on the roof in all her life .
Just go through 3 years of drought ( rare on the sea side of the big hills ) and have just about finished cleaning up from the 4th flood in 18 months .




Mother Nature is running the show.




Got a friend out west.
They have a 6 year old daughter who was terrified when it finally rained last year as she had never seen rain or heard it on the roof in all her life .
Just go through 3 years of drought ( rare on the sea side of the big hills ) and have just about finished cleaning up from the 4th flood in 18 months .
Our last bad drought in Texas was fall of 2010 and lasted through spring of 2012... Our 1 acre pond went down to about 1/3 of its size. maybe less.
Luckily the creeks on the place never went dry as they're spring fed.




Just about all of the rivers in Oz are stormwater drains, nothing to feed them so when it rains they run when it don't neither do they
We have stuffed things up by adding dams , weirs, sea barrages & artificial lakes then get cranky when they fail to supply water or prevent a flood.
There is a very good reason why the people who have lived here for somewhere between 50,000 & 80,000 years made very few permanent dwellings even although they practiced both livestock control & agriculture .
Cycle goes around 5 to 8 years of low ( or no ) rain 1 to 4 years of "average" rain the 1 to 3 years of floods followed by 1 to 4 years of average rain, repeat , repeat, repeat .
OTOH no one like to see people in adverse situations
And of course because we are white men so naturally know everything we did not listen to what the black men who had thousands of years of weather observations under there lap laps were trying to tell us then wondered why crops failed or rains failed to come or the river flooded.
Then we stopped the river flooding and can not understand why down stream salt concentrations have gone toxic .

Not the smartest beasts on the planet .

I have customers who attempt to grow English Couch grass in areas that get less than 5% of UK rainfall and 100 days way hotter than the UK .



1 Lucky Texan

I can see the 11-22 year solar cycle in the record years here. Not 100% but noticeable....2011 was bad as was 2000....

39 days of triple digits (10th place so, not approaching that record yet)

18 100+* days in a row (not yeat a record either)

Read an article yesterday about the amount of water vapor (a very strong greenhouse forcer) the HungaTongaHungaHaa"pai eruption threw into the stratosphere - maybe a 10% increase !




Cutting grass whenever I can get a non-raining day. Unfortunately is was 7 days ago since I mowed, so today was a double/triple cut deal..




Way back in the 70's before there were beasts called climate scientists the physicists were warning about the possible effects of atmospheric pollution, but as one of my favourite pub bands of the day , The Dugites sang, No one was listening .
By the 80's the rivers were all toxic & the sea foods unfit for eating so the penny dropped but it landed on soft carpet so only those near by heard it but we did start work on airborne particulates , nitrogen oxides of various kinds & untreated industrial effluent discharge ,
Because there are long time cycles & short time cycles every time there was adverse weather those who use almanacs just pointed out similar previous cycles but failed ( or deliberately ignored ) the fact that in each of the cycles the extremes were getting more extreme till it was too late and we had the 2019 bushfires and 1/2 of southern Africa actually ran out of water .
The down side is profiteers like Musk just see this as a marketing opportunity to cash in by selling false hope & easy solutions that will actually make the problem worse and people believe him so when we all drive Tesla powered by the solar cells on the roof hooked up to the Tesla power wall bolted to the side of the house & things continue to get worse then the population will blame the scientists & not themselves .

And yes clouds are a very strong greenhouse contributor
You have probably noticed that a still night with heavy cloud cover is quite mild while a cloudless night is very cold ( ignoring wind chill of course )
The other thing people fail to understand is we are adding a lot of water as well when we burn hydrocarbons the H in hydro goes to H2O so the mythical Octane fuel C8H10 goes to 8 x CO2 + 5 x H20 and that is a lot of oxygen being removed from the air we breathe.
If you look at inland atmosphere compositions you will see that the ) level often drops down 2 % to 5 % because of all of the oxygen we consume burning things but the nay-sayers always quote readings from stations in the middle of an ocean or at the poles where the alge in the sea water has consumed a massive amount of CO2 so it looks a lot better than it is
You can spread a lot of lies by selectively quoting the truth .



1 Lucky Texan

yep, I also read that melting gacial waters are flooding some coasts with iron abraded out of the mountains - that is causing a bloom of phytoplankton, which absorbs CO2.




I find it amazing that any one would consider the solution to a problem is to find data showing that there is no problem.
I used to profile furnaces and in Sydney we used to profile the burners for 22% O2 which is higher than the atmospheric average.
Now days the same burners are profiled to 18% O2 and all of them have oxygen injection system linked into a controller on the bag house exhaust meters because even then there are times when the 02 drops below 18%
A lot of insects can not survive if the 02 levels drop even 1% let alone birds .
