It cranked a couple of weeks ago but when tried this weekend. There was nothing. Not even a noise. So I charged the battery. Same results. I tried jumping it - same results. Any ideas? Fuze? Starter switch?
first clean the terminals, all of them including the starter, selaniod and battery terminals, confirm you have a good battery, confirm your safety switches are working properly. try starting it.
One way to troubleshoot the electrical system is with a volt ohm meter. An inexpensive one can usually be purchased at the auto or cheap tool store for around ten bucks or get a 12 volt light and a couple alligator clips and check for power along the circuit by grounding out the light. You may need to search for a wiring schematic to make it easier on you. Just use a search engine and type in your model # and you should be able to find a wiring diagram or schematic on the web.
You have a seat safety . Brake safety and the blade safety . Since it sat over the winter use some wd40 here and there . My craftsman lt1000 has a stretched cable that engages the blades - sometimes I have to move the blade engage lever up & always simple but you have to check the 3 safety's and go from there .