I called jacks small engines & ahupd. Neither of them have the part 530-047077. My best shot is buying the impeller off ebay for $20-$35. Debating throwing in the towel and buying a new blower.
If you want to repair the impeller, purchase a stick of jb weld putty, combine the product, flatten it, form it inside of the hex, place the impeller back on to “form” the putty to the hex shaft, pull it back off, trim the excess putty off the edges, let the jb weld finish setting up, and reinstall.
edit: You can also use a hex nut that will fit inside of the blade, then use a drill bit the size of the motor shaft to drill out the center of the nut to remove the threads . Then use epoxy to set the nut into the impeller. The question then is how much time you want to spend repairing this, or if spending $80 is worthwhile.
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