Sorry - can't help with engine replacement. But your grandson's mishap reminds me of a similar issue I had.
A friend from work (single mom, new home owner) called to say she got a new Craftsman snow blower and asked if I could show her how it works and get it started.
It was assembled and delivered by Sears to her home. This was quite a few years ago - the first AC starter I had seen. So I looked it over and out of habit, pulled the dip stick. That machine was delivered without an ounce of oil in the engine. I was so glad the owner called me - if she had read the manual, plugged the machine into AC and tried to start it - instant seize.
Like a firearm, always check to see if it's loaded. An engine, always check the oil. I know most on this board would have check the oil in that snow blower. But it's just a reminder.