THE MODEL OF MOWER IS 917 204010 CAN YOU GIVE ME A PART NUMBER FOR THE SWITCHNot straitforward plug & play but I have done quite a few
Easy ( expensive ) way is to buy the key switch & wiring harness for the same model that does not have the STUPID SWITCH .
They gave so much trouble they were dropped and the mowers went back to normal electrics
The harder way ( but cheaper ) is to buy a standard switch, some wire & terminals
Depending upon exactly which model you have some have the standard key switch plug and a pig tail to connect it to the Stupid Switch sp check the number of terminals and their positions before buying a new switch .
hi do you have the part numbers for the switch and harness???? so i can into thatNot straitforward plug & play but I have done quite a few
Easy ( expensive ) way is to buy the key switch & wiring harness for the same model that does not have the STUPID SWITCH .
They gave so much trouble they were dropped and the mowers went back to normal electrics
The harder way ( but cheaper ) is to buy a standard switch, some wire & terminals
Depending upon exactly which model you have some have the standard key switch plug and a pig tail to connect it to the Stupid Switch sp check the number of terminals and their positions before buying a new switch .
Because we use them all the time, we forget just how dangerous an item a ride on mower is.Wouldn't it be easier to run a toggle kill switch on the dash, if it starts and runs.?
switch is ATP 193350 36.00 looks regular style
i do agree so then run the toggle thru the seat switch or engagement switch, I should have been more clear.Because we use them all the time, we forget just how dangerous an item a ride on mower is.
Now I for one believe that we are over protected and would be much happier seeing a lot more men hobbling around on a walking stick having chopped off part of their own foot or wearing a nice hook to replace the hand/finger they chopped off doing some thing stupid like clearing the chute while the blades are spinning because that would keep how dangerous mowers can be on the top of our minds .
However there is one item that protects others from the drivers stupidity , the seat kill switch and while doing what you suggest is definately easier, it make a potentially dangerous item even more dangerous .
Thus not recommended apart from a diagnostic tool or a get the mower back to your shed emergency repair.
Askjust about any tech and we all have stories about run away mowers that created mayhem because the owner was too lazy / cheap to repair the electrical system
I could not count how amny customers have bypassed their seat switch so they can get off heir mower with the engine running .
I ask then why they can not manage to set the parking brake to do this and most have no idea how to set the brake or even that doing this will allow the engine to continue to run but kill the blades
I do have more than one customer who mangled their foot when getting back on a mower with the blades spinning and either put their toes under the deck or slipped and put their foot into the belts.
The end results of them was not pretty .
Not long ago a grandad got 2 years gaol because his grandaughter was sitting on his lap while he was mowing, she slipped off , her foot lnaded on the deck and then got dragged into the pulleys by the belt
She lost her leg to the hip .
People do stupid things because they do not think about what they are doing
Unfortuneatly that can not be done because ths mower comes with a smart (dumb) no key ignition switch.i do agree so then run the toggle thru the seat switch or engagement switch, I should have been more clear.
how about this i cut the from the coils and run to a kill switch?Switch is what I posted in reply #9
Loom should be one of these although it still might need some tweaking
532 40 10-98 for 3 amp alternator
532 40 21–67 for 9-16 amp alternator
The model number you gave was for a 24 Hp engine 48" cut
These are the Husqvarna looms for their current 24 / 48"
There can be subtle differences like the position of the hour meter , presence or absence of amp meter .
When I do these I use the model name on the hood decal
I drop that into Parts Tree which will bring up all of the mowers sold with that model name by year .
Then I start with the year that I have and go through all of the parts list till I get to the first one where the smart switch got dropped and the engine was the same .
Then I print out the wiring diagram for both and have a quick check that all of the perifferals are the same ( accessory plug / amp meter / etc ) .
You can double check to see if all of the other switches have the same part numbers so you don't end up trying to plug a 2 pin seat switch into the 4 pin socket
This takes up some time but I charge the customer for this because they wanted the job done quick
The two looms I posted will fit most mowers that came out of the husqvarna factory
I have limited access to Craftsman information because the ones we get here have different model numbers and names so I can not find the PERFECT loom for you .
well if you counld extact part number and a it was a plug play thing i would it when i was kid most rideing lown mowers never had any of this shitRead post # 13
your mower , your family , your risk
I would check for 12 volts at the coil with ignition on, if you have it,then test for ground on the other terminal of the coil when cranking engine over then we can go from thereIHAVE A RIDER THE MOWER CRANKS WONT START ITS GETING FUEL TESTED FOR SPARK NO SPARK REPLACE PTO SWITCH MODEL 917204010 JUMPED NETREL SWITCH SEAT SWITCH????????