
Active Member
Oct 20, 2010
Just a reminder while our mowers are down for the cold and flu season to pull some guards or
covers to clean out the cooling fins on the engine. If I did this years ago I would still be using my
old Bolens today.....cubby


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
Just a reminder while our mowers are down for the cold and flu season to pull some guards or
covers to clean out the cooling fins on the engine. If I did this years ago I would still be using my
old Bolens today.....cubby

Good advice, and during the mowing season when I am done with the mower for the day I always use an electric blower to remove the loose debris before storing. On newer mowers there doesn't seem to be too much of a problem with chaff build up on the cooling fins. About your experience, you mean your Bolens engine was damaged because you didn't keep the fins clean?


Lawn Addict
Aug 28, 2010
Just a reminder while our mowers are down for the cold and flu season to pull some guards or
covers to clean out the cooling fins on the engine. If I did this years ago I would still be using my
old Bolens today.....cubby
Thanks for the reminder cubby. Out of sight - Out of mind makes it more difficult to remember that maintenance item.

In general, the blower fan screen filters chaff debris enough to prevent cooling fin plugging but not always. More often a mouse nest is the culprit. A quick check is to hold one's hand below the air discharge area below the head as an air flow test. This is only a quickie and doesn't replace removing the shroud for an actual look see.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2010
Good advice, and during the mowing season when I am done with the mower for the day I always use an electric blower to remove the loose debris before storing. On newer mowers there doesn't seem to be too much of a problem with chaff build up on the cooling fins. About your experience, you mean your Bolens engine was damaged because you didn't keep the fins clean?
I always washed the mower before I put it away, and once in a while hose off the fins on the B&S
twin engine. Then in about 15 yrs it started to tap very loudly. I took it apart and the valve seat was
jumping around in its bore. Just adjacent to the valve area the fins were clogged with everything from
grass to dirt. The bore was so worn out that I couldn't keep the seat in place no matter what I tried.
I used it for another year then sold it and bought the scag. I think I did more harm just hosing it off
by pushing the debris in farther. Now I pull a few covers and use a stiff brush and air blow it clean.
Then I wash it, my wife says I'm a nut when it comes cleaning things.....cubby


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
I always washed the mower before I put it away, and once in a while hose off the fins on the B&S
twin engine. Then in about 15 yrs it started to tap very loudly. I took it apart and the valve seat was
jumping around in its bore. Just adjacent to the valve area the fins were clogged with everything from
grass to dirt. The bore was so worn out that I couldn't keep the seat in place no matter what I tried.
I used it for another year then sold it and bought the scag. I think I did more harm just hosing it off
by pushing the debris in farther. Now I pull a few covers and use a stiff brush and air blow it clean.
Then I wash it, my wife says I'm a nut when it comes cleaning things.....cubby

Thanks for that information...I used to be guilty or just hosing off my mowers myself, now I use a blower instead and I think it does a better job...I believe clean engines run cooler myself.