It is a bit klunky but I use the red neon spark tester because the red is easy to see.
However between it & the plug cap I use a moving electrode spark tester set to 1/4 " initally and from there I increase the gap to 1/2"
If it wont throw 1/2 " then it is bin time.
This is of course after the coil comes off & gets the ground contact points cleaned and if it has a visible ground wire, it get checked as well.
The cheap & nasty version is a plain strait clear biro case.
Cut off the small end then shove some HT lead in either end till it has a 1/4" gap between the wires.
Insert this between the plug & the plug cap on the coil.
Also try removing the plug cap if it has one.
Not uncommon to find the last 1/2" of HT wire totally corroded back up the insulation so you have in effect a 20K resistor cap as the spark is traveling through copper oxide not copper wire.