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Is it just me, or is it like the climate/ seasons are off a little. Its kinda like we are having February weather in March, and April will be like march weather.




Is it just me, or is it like the climate/ seasons are off a little. Its kinda like we are having February weather in March, and April will be like march weather.
Not just you. It's been weird here the last 3 or 4 years. We're still having cold weather... well, cold for south Tx.
That big drought we had that lasted a couple or 3 years was crazy too. Its over now but there's still trees dying from that. I haven't been to a lake recently but not long ago you could walk out on a pier and barely see the water off in the distance.




Is it just me, or is it like the climate/ seasons are off a little. Its kinda like we are having February weather in March, and April will be like march weather.

It's weird for sure. I can't remember ever seeing 39 degrees in the morning and the high only making 62 degrees in March going to April in central Florida.




Right on schedule here. 28 in the morning 60 in the afternoon.




Yep usually the first of March here everything is greened up, and warm but here it is almost April, and the trees are just starting to bud out. It makes you wonder if the time, and the seasons are getting out of whack this past Sunday morning it was 21 here, and we dont usually see that after February. They have said we have broken 23 year old temp records here in Tn this winter, and I believe it.




Even here in NY the weather has been cold with snow on the ground yet.
