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Click but wont turn over?




I tried to start my mower yesterday but I just got a click. I thought the battery was dead so I put a new battery on but still get the same.
If I turn and hold the key I get one click then I get smoke appearing from the + battery terminal.
Please help!!




First thing you need to do is try to turn the flywheel by hand and see if it turns. If it won't turn then remove the spark plug and try to turn again. If it still doesn't turn then either something is locking up the engine or the engine is frozen for some reason. if everything turns ok, then I would remove the starter and connect it to a good battery to make sure it turns. if doesn't turn or feels rough then you have found the problem.

Also make sure your battery terminals as well as battery post are clean and tight. Could be a faulty connection causing your problems also.




I tried to start my mower yesterday but I just got a click. I thought the battery was dead so I put a new battery on but still get the same.
If I turn and hold the key I get one click then I get smoke appearing from the + battery terminal.
Please help!!

1. Make sure your battery connections are clean and tight.
2. Check all grounds. Check the battery negative ground and engine to chassis bolts, tighten if needed.
3. Check connections at solenoid. Make sure they're tight.
4. If all else fails, tap the solenoid with a small hammer and re-try. If no go, jump the solenoid terminals (a small light show will ensue) and see if the starter engages. If so, you'll need a solenoid most likely.

These are best guesses assuming the starter is good and the engine turns freely by hand.




The same problem, 2012 from Tractor Supply Huskie 420cc Lawn Tractor engine is a power-more, fully charged battery, fuse looks good, but lights don't come on, but does click under my seat it sounds. No loose wires etc... whats next?




Also have a Poulan Pro 18" bar cranks easy, revs up half way great, but will not run wide open. Checked gas, put new filter and fuel line inside of tank. I'm sure this in in the wrong thread, so I haven't figured it all out yet???




I tried to start my mower yesterday but I just got a click. I thought the battery was dead so I put a new battery on but still get the same.
If I turn and hold the key I get one click then I get smoke appearing from the + battery terminal.
Please help!!

If you are getting smoke from the positive terminal that is where your first problem is. No where else. Dirty connection or bad cable?? Once you have that fixed and are still having problems is the time to look else where.




If you are getting smoke from the positive terminal that is where your first problem is. No where else. Dirty connection or bad cable?? Once you have that fixed and are still having problems is the time to look else where.

So far mo smoke. I would think its getting too hot if its smoking like maybe turning it over a long time? Well my fuse was a 20 amp and looked good, and probably should put my multi-=test kit to make sure, if that's not it maybe its a solenoid switch or battery? If any one get and better suggestions remember it is a new 2012 just past the warranty, and I need to be gathering leaves for my compost and garden.
plus my chainsaw wont stay running wide ope.




DJgodders from UK has a problem that the battery cable is smoking. lynordb it gets confusing when you start another thread on top of a thread??? Start your own thread and that way we can think of one repair at a time. thanks
