I am sitting in the terminal in Hartford getting ready to catch a plane to go home. I will be so glad to get back to South Alabama. I do not like the North East.
I always like being home.
I would bet anything you are happier than a cat with a bowl of creme, the NE has nothing to offer but 75% rude know-it-all people and liberals.
Well now we are sitting in the terminal in Charlotte NC. Got about 2 hours to kill. Then we will be headed to Mobile.
I am sitting in the terminal in Hartford getting ready to catch a plane to go home. I will be so glad to get back to South Alabama. I do not like the North East.
I am sitting in the terminal in Hartford getting ready to catch a plane to go home. I will be so glad to get back to South Alabama. I do not like the North East.
If I pull off selling my house, we are going to fly to California to see our best friends this year. Though I detest California's politics, I love the state itself, and can't wait to see our friends. Been 7 or 8 years now, since we've been on planes, and truthfully, I haven't missed it. But necessary to get anywhere. Should be interesting finding a way out of here at the new place.
I hate the northeast, just not NH. I am from GA, wish I could move back down there. So warm and I love hot weather. I hate this cold weather up here in NH. We only get several hot days a year.
Sounds like Michigan. A few days ago, 0% chance of rain, and it rained all day. Meteorologist is a dream job in Michigan. All that money just to guess.