WOW...I am wore out from deciding on a ZTR...who knew there were so many choices?...i didn't, but I do now!
We ended up with a GRAVELY Pro-Turn 48.
It was a very hard decision, especially price, ended up being about $6,400.
With about 2500 down, my payments will be about $83 a month.
Lawn Mower Fanatics reply helped with what people pay to have their grass cut......and they don't get the fun of doing it or a mower!!!
My brother told me a lady he knows pays around $400 a CUT!!!!... yes, her yard is very large - but that just blew my mind!!
We used it yesterday and we were done cutting grass before we knew it!.....and that was at beginner, slow speed!
Djdicetn- I have to admit when I first read you first experience with the ZTR i really didn't understand, BOY I sure do now!! i can totally relate!
For me, it can still be alittle slower, but i will take it as slow as I can until I get the hang of it......they fly!!
We are also glad that we stayed with the 48" cut instead of going bigger. Our place isn't very "mower friendly" and the 48" is perfect for us.
I'm also glad that we got from a dealer, instead of a big box store. I now realize how important a dealer is , especially with such big purchase.
Thank you all VERY, VERY much for helping us,
- fry
p.s.....I' still love the Kubota Kommader, and if I win the lotto - that will be our second mower!!