Electric mowers account for 25% of annual push mower sales. Battery is the fastest growing push mower segment in the country and is expected to be 50% of mower sales by 2030. But you're correct that Home Depot announced a goal to have battery-powered products drive
more than 85 percent of its outdoor lawn equipment sales (including trimmers, blowers, and similar tools) sales by 2028. So, the future is here.
I was also correct with everything else I stated. Lol
Correct for now because I used words like "currently".
You have to watch statistics and numbers and see exactly what number you're looking at because while your stated number of 25% of annual push more sales quite accurate (and in fact the number has been growing every season) the number of people who have or those who use a battery-powered mower is less than the percentage of annual sales.
If we're sticking to facts and numbers.
See what I'm saying?
Gasoline powered mowers have been the normal for so long that when we started out with 100% or basically close to that it will take a good number of years of 25% of all the new people who buy mowers buying battery powered, for the percentage of overall mowers to end up with even 25% of the total number being battery powered mowers.
We could actually come up with the exact number of years it would take if for the percentage of ownership to approach 25% but that would require us to know the total number of owners in the group (and technically for it to remain static) and know the number of annual sales which also would have to remain consistent AND to be really accurate the rate of growth of the battery powered mower segment would also have to make remake consistent at 25% annually and as I mentioned in my first post, that's not going to happen.
If in 2023 which we would be lucky if we have this statistics and they're accurate,. 25% of the push mowers sold where battery powered, then that number is likely to be at least 27 to 28 if not 30% or slightly more in 2024.
As I mentioned in my earlier post or at least one of them, this number is growing each year for now.
When that number will hit its peak, we really don't know.
As you mentioned, they have predictions but they will likely be three or four years off one way or the other.
Your post comes across like many of the post in Auto groups where people are Tesla or at least battery powered car fan-people....without being bashing about gasoline like they seem to always do. Lol
I am quite transparent about the fact that I can't stand battery powered mowers and couldn't stand the corded electric plug-in mowers from decades ago either. I also can't stand the corded plug-in hedge trimmers and feel they all belong in the trash.
I also love reciprocating internal combustion engines. I really don't like rotary, axial or a lot of the other designs and I should also clarify that I really don't like diesel either even though it is the closest thing to what I like.
I don't need reasons for these preferences and personal preferences can't be wrong.
My factual statements I have made in the past and recently, still remain true for the situations I make them about which are most and or many situations.
A very large percentage of people who have had no real complaints or qualms cutting there grass when they want to, have to make certain concessions and sacrifices when they switch over to a battery powered mower.
I'm also quite clear, typically, to point out there are a couple of real convenient benefits but for most people these benefits do not outweigh the other multiple sacrifices or changes from their typical experience to make up for switching.
I feel that eventually, the products will overcome a couple of these hurdles, (maybe just one.)
I think they just made it the battery capacity to where it needs to be but then I feel the next weak link will be the motor longevity / durability because if there's enough battery power to it to operate for extended periods of time, we are likely to have more failures just like the old corded electric mowers did with their push button resets etc that people will continue to reset until the motor was done.
Then I think another big hurdle of having comparable power and ability to mow grass that's quite overgrown, thick, damp will not come into mainstream like I wish it would.
If a battery powered mower did all the important things like a gasoline-powered mower in having the exact same amount of power and torque for spinning hat blade (or even more like in cars) and would run an hour on a single battery charge AND if for the same price, they came with at least two batteries so you had a quick "refill" like you can do with gas AND if in 10 plus years, it was still providing the same amount of torque and same amount of run time on that same battery ....THEN they would be an equivalent substitute.
Currently, they simply are not.
Will they ever fully get there? I doubt they will meet all these parameters but they will overcome some of the hurdles and get better.
Also, the comparison between the two will get closer because they've already been making gasoline mowers, especially engines more substandard and shorter lasting so the having same operation for 10 plus years or even 15 or 20 like so many people have experienced isn't really going to be an option with anything you buy new.
What a way for an entire industry to self-screw itself...
I do find it interesting though to just sit back like a fly on the wall and watch the crap that unveils.
Remember my prediction that won't be widely publicized but there will be articles about it...about people wanting to go back to their old gasoline mowers because of the annoyances of battery powered ones mostly relating to the battery capacity, price, lifespan.
I'll be over here with my collection of dozens of nice little gasoline small air-cooled engines having a hoot of a fun time. I really do like them.
I hate lawn mowers though!
I've said many times and told many people that I hate the machines, and specially on riders the deck and everything about that.
But apparently, most people don't have much use for a riding mower that doesn't cut grass and even less use for little push mower engines unless they're on a push mower cutting grass because that's the application for the vast majority of them.
I just like them but don't like the equipment they're on and can't stand the fact that we're still cutting grass in 2024 and that most people will continue to do it until they die, or until they're too old to physically do it.
Then of course there's those that pay to get it done but that doesn't solve the problem in my eye.
It's still something that humans have to do and they have to do it almost weekly and I feel it's ridiculous.