I've had a Rogue 72" with Yamaha engine since 2021. It's been great overall. The only real challenges have been getting the deck leveled and the cut quality when mowing at speed. I think both of these are really just facts of life that have to be dealt with. For leveling, a 72" deck on ground that isn't always flat is going to look like it is out of level as the mower and deck change angles. 72" is just really wide and high & low spots happen at the edges of the deck. But that makes it hard to judge whether it is slope or actual level adjustment. My lawn is also full of dandelions and 'crappy' grass varieties so when I'm mowing fast it tends to leave slightly higher areas behind the front wheels. Again, probably just the nature of mowing long, heavy grass too fast. Doesn't have enough time to lift back up to be cut.
Functionally though the Rogue is great. Very ruggedly built. Great power, good controls, comfortable ride with the frame suspension features and suspension seat. Tires have great traction on wet/soft ground and slopes like the sides of my driveway and highway ditch banks. Only got it stuck once and that was when I cut the corner too tight going around the garden after a bunch of rain. The Rogue shaved about an hour off of my mowing time for my 10 acre lot (of which I mow about 7 acres). From 4.5 hours with my JD x758 tractor with 60" deck to about 3.5 hours.