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Business being closed due to shelter at home order until at least April 7




Looks like I am being made to close my shop until the Covid-19 settles down in Illinois Governor just ordered a statewide shelter in place order starting at 5 PM tomorrow for the entire state. May be able to do some emergency generator type work if the power goes out.




We’ll probably be next just to your north. I’d just like to know the rules and how they will be enforced. Have two non elective doctor appointments next week. Who can go out and for what reason. Also, have been running errands for those around who are scared to go out.




Hard to enforce but could be possible. Medical appointments, grocery shopping, prescriptions, getting gas are exempt from stay at home. Lawnmower repair may fall under a grey area covered under the safety and sanitation of residential property. Can also go for walks and other outside activities even go to parks, just try to stay at least 6 feet apart

My biggest fear is that I am also the caretaker of my parents that live with me. Mom is 85 with heart and kidney issues, and dad is 79 with type 2 diabetes, and moderate COPD(4 nebulizer treatment per day), and partial left lung removal due to lung cancer 10 years ago, If this thing get into my household it will kill both of them




ILEGINE- Take care of your folks........ I think we are all in this together.

Here in Tennessee, had my annual eye exam coming up next week. They called today to say my appt must be cancelled till Aug.
Happening everywhere. My Sister is up in Pa, & emailed they are closing down her job @ AT&T till further notice. She has been with them for 28 years. And news said Pa. was getting locked down like NY.

Some states are enacting curfews.




Sorry to hear about your folks.
If you are elliglbe for assistance, take it because this will just get worse.
Isolation will only work if the entire country does it at the same time.
Everyone isolated for 3 weeks will prevent fresh infections then another 3 weeks for any houshold where covid-19 was detected.
Remember it is virus so can only live in a host for 2 to 4 weeks and outside the host for a few days ,
But you closing down for 3 weeks, being declaired safe then getting exposed from some virus on the plastic packing around parts ( about 3 days viability ) makes the whole thing a big waste of time & money.
Good luck,
Hope it all goes well.
New Zealand closed down the entire country and put a 2 week supervised quarrintine on every one who arrives rather than closing the borders.
We have closed the borders of the entire country buy wimped out on the quarrintine so only australian passport holders will be allowed in & they are supposed to self isolate , not the smartest things to do.
Because no one in governemment has worked in transport they have no idea how amny people would be exposed to live virus on a post / fedex etc satchel between the shipper & the reciever and the CSIRO down here found plastic surfaces could host the virus for up to 72 hours.
So wipe down any such deliveries with a chlorine dampened towel the toss it in the bin .
Apparently pool chlorine will knock covid-19 off as they have declaired that t is safe to swim in chlorinated pools , just so long as once out you keep your distance and wait till you get home to shower & change.




Hard to tell the impact on the economy,,,it could get REAL bad, some are even saying it may become a depression.

I work at a machine shop in Flint that makes jet engine parts, so my job will probably be labeled as mandatory required. We also make firing pins for the government for Browning 50 cal machine guns.

Generally the virus season ends when it gets warm, so hopefully it won't last too long.






Hard to tell the impact on the economy,,,it could get REAL bad, some are even saying it may become a depression.

I work at a machine shop in Flint that makes jet engine parts, so my job will probably be labeled as mandatory required. We also make firing pins for the government for Browning 50 cal machine guns.

Generally the virus season ends when it gets warm, so hopefully it won't last too long.



Yes it will be real bad.
The cashed up investment funds are short selling the stock market through the floor.
Down here a lot of companies share value is way less than their physical value of real estate & IP and these companies are being bought up by company raiders.
When the dust settles most will be closed down & the property sold for hous building thus throwing thousands out of work .
These people will of course be short of cash having been isolating & working shorter shifts for a long while .
In the land of unfettered greed I would imagine it will be a lot worse unless President Trumph steps in and regulates the market.
As he got a lot of money from shorting himself I doubt that he will .
THis can cause a lot of pension funds to fold as well leaving millions without any retirement income .




Just heard a rumor that Wisconsin is shutting down Monday. Supposedly the governor has called out the National Guard. Was told this by a friend who’s son in law is in the guard. Hope I can find TP soon, only have two rolls left, better half says Amazon Prime isn’t shipping any until March 28. Might have to find an old Montgomery Wards catalog stores don’t start restocking soon.




The story is the same here if that is any consolation.
Bog roll is very bulky so the shops only get a pallet or two in each delivery and they go in less than 5 minutes.
The factory reported they have shipped 200,000,000 rolls last week to BDC's and a slightly smaller number the week before.
We have 3 factories but this is the biggest and that is 6 rolls for every man woman & child in the country but the media is still feeding the frenzie.
However I went to an industrial supplier last week and they were limiting bog rolls to 1 case ( 144 rolls ) per customer and the sign said they had 200 pallets in stock.
They also were limiting the bulk rolls ( 10,000 sheets ) to one case ( 10 rolls ) per customer per visit.
So if you have the space try one of them.




Time to stock up on ammo to guard the TP stash.




Worst case senerio I’ll only take payment in TP.




Wife buys the big 48 roll pack. I think we have something like 37 rolls left. But don't tell anybody. I may have to hire security.




It's important, in this time of crisis to look after family and neighbors. I've sent out an email to my neighbors offering any support I can give (toilet paper, food, a ride to the doctors). I live on 4.8 acres, so I guess I can eat the little critters roaming about, although hunting is really not my thing.

Though toilet paper and believe it or not, bottled water is not to be found, things could get ugly if food and gasoline are not to be found. I live in a concealed weapons state and I don't want someone to bust a cap in me for a gallon of gas.

On the bright side, the government is telling people to stay at home. I have tons of lawn equipment that needs work, so that can keep me busy for a LONG time.





Gas here is plentiful and getting cheaper every day. Price has drop from $2.34 ten days ago, but today I saw it at $1.81.




It's important, in this time of crisis to look after family and neighbors. I've sent out an email to my neighbors offering any support I can give (toilet paper, food, a ride to the doctors). I live on 4.8 acres, so I guess I can eat the little critters roaming about, although hunting is really not my thing.

Though toilet paper and believe it or not, bottled water is not to be found, things could get ugly if food and gasoline are not to be found. I live in a concealed weapons state and I don't want someone to bust a cap in me for a gallon of gas.

On the bright side, the government is telling people to stay at home. I have tons of lawn equipment that needs work, so that can keep me busy for a LONG time.

I don't think the CCW people are the ones you need to worry about.




Good luck to everyone. This may or not be as serious as they're making out to be. I live in a pretty isolated area. And we're all just sitting back wondering what the big fuss is.
Then all of a sudden, there was no potatoes, onions and other things at the grocery store.




Plenty of ammo here, I reload my own. We are out in the country & last time in town there were limit signs on some foods etc. No hoarding permitted.

Good news, gas is like $1.79 & 100% gas is under $2.00.




They have just started down here.
Looks like the government is going to string this out for as long as possible
Last week it was sporting events & music venues that got closed.
As of today it is pubs clubs hotels & churches.
Last week there were record church attendances so too late for that now.

A full shut down would have this nailed in 3 weeks for everyone who was not infected and 3 more for those who are.
But no we are going to do it business sector by business sector thus some will be closed till next year .
Fine if you are the last man standing but a big worry for the first lot on the unemployment line.
Checked the web site, mower shops are not listed and neither are mower warehouses but who knows .




Looks like Ohio is closing up tomorrow. I guess i am one of the lucky ones. I have enough coming in without what the mower shop brings in that we can get by. I hope others not so fortunate get some relief from Washington. Being out in the country things will still probably just show up at the front door of the shop. I did get emails that UPS and Stens will not be affected so that is a good thing.




With the lack of toilet paper, is there any truth to the rumor Ohio will be changing their nickname from the Buckeye state to the brown eye state?,,,lol.




Looks like Ohio is closing up tomorrow. I guess i am one of the lucky ones. I have enough coming in without what the mower shop brings in that we can get by. I hope others not so fortunate get some relief from Washington. Being out in the country things will still probably just show up at the front door of the shop. I did get emails that UPS and Stens will not be affected so that is a good thing.
There is an allowance for minimum operations for safety and security, so I guess not 100% closed. I had a good customer call me the other evening and ask me what I was doing and I basically said that I don't expect much to show up, but if somebody pulls in with something to be repaired I will be working.


logert gogert

logert gogert

With the lack of toilet paper, is there any truth to the rumor Ohio will be changing their nickname from the Buckeye state to the brown eye state?,,,lol.
heh heh heh




Local Police have put out a notice that they will not be responding to calls until this is over. Time to dig out and clean some guns. Wife has always been a hoarder, basement looks like a warehouse, I complain all the time - except now.


logert gogert

logert gogert

Local Police have put out a notice that they will not be responding to calls until this is over.
theres been some talk on that happening round here to....

we've been stocking up on ammo and organizing that type of stuff for when / if $h*t hits the fan




Good thing I'm a machinist and there are plenty of Youtube videos on how to convert your Ruger 10/22 to full auto. With my GSG 110 round drum magazine, I'd be ready for the Zombie Apocalypse,,,lol.

Just was told by my employer we have an executive order 2020-21 and I'm deemed an essential critical infrastructure worker.




Local Police have put out a notice that they will not be responding to calls until this is over. Time to dig out and clean some guns. Wife has always been a hoarder, basement looks like a warehouse, I complain all the time - except now.
OH well it time to BBQ the neighbor's kid. I did BBQ another one of his kids last Summer. Just got to see if I all the spices and herbs I need. Plenty of fire wood for the pit. Now where do I hide all the incriminating evidence? I know where, Logert backyard.


logert gogert

logert gogert

With my GSG 110 round drum magazine, I'd be ready for the Zombie Apocalypse,,,lol.
oooooohhhhhhh....thank GOD you used the correct wording, thank you for calling it a magazine and not a clip......
i cant stand people that call a magazine a clip, and then they say its the same thing smh


logert gogert

logert gogert

OH well it time to BBQ the neighbor's kid. I did BBQ another one of his kids last Summer. Just got to see if I all the spices and herbs I need. Plenty of fire wood for the pit. Now where do I hide all the incriminating evidence? I know where, Logert backyard.
HA HA HA HA HA HA...............................oh..........wait............


logert gogert

logert gogert

OH well it time to BBQ the neighbor's kid. I did BBQ another one of his kids last Summer. Just got to see if I all the spices and herbs I need. Plenty of fire wood for the pit. Now where do I hide all the incriminating evidence? I know where, Logert backyard.
what do you mean by BBQ? i dont get it......




Is this Alex or Yogurt asking? Star, I’m going to let you go into the vast variety of different BBQ’s. My instructors in teaching college never taught me how to handle questions like this. I don’t know if I can get my answer down to their level of understanding. Also, did you use open pit or Hawaii style?




Wait a minute you don't know what a BBQ cooker is? You cook the kid until it is nice and tender and develops a nice smoke ring. Then you pull the meat off the bones, put on a bun, and enjoy eating it with your favorite sauce.




Is this Alex or Yogurt asking? Star, I’m going to let you go into the vast variety of different BBQ’s. My instructors in teaching college never taught me how to handle questions like this. I don’t know if I can get my answer down to their level of understanding. Also, did you use open pit or Hawaii style?
Open pit with nice rotating spit. I don't like my BBQ so greasy. Now nice pineapple sauce does sounds good.

Now I have read some of how to do it directly on the coals but honestly only done ear of corn that way. Just don't the corn stay in the ashes overnight, eat it, and drink water. Boy do you get drunk fast.




Here in Wisconsin we enjoy a good beer sauce.


logert gogert

logert gogert

Is this Alex or Yogurt asking?
okay......please just drop it......... its causing more trouble than it needs to, its me logan, now please just forget about it
btw ive already dealt with him, and i put a apssword on my computer


logert gogert

logert gogert

Wait a minute you don't know what a BBQ cooker is? You cook the kid until it is nice and tender and develops a nice smoke ring. Then you pull the meat off the bones, put on a bun, and enjoy eating it with your favorite sauce.
of course i know what a BBQ cooker is, but i meant what do you mean by cooking the kid nextdoor Lol




Sure you do???


logert gogert

logert gogert

Sure you do???
?‍♂️ yes............im sure




I mean I cook the neighbor's kid. It called population control. See I can get by with this in TorLand. Can't you get by with it where you live?




I have one on the spit right now, been going for about two weeks, it’s a tough one. Others are trying to help, but I think this ones going to take a while. Maybe I should use the beer another way?


logert gogert

logert gogert

Maybe I should use the beer another way?
heh heh heh heh.............murica!




Couple around here might be tasty too, lots of steroids and HGH to make more meat, be a bit more peaceful too.




oooooohhhhhhh....thank GOD you used the correct wording, thank you for calling it a magazine and not a clip......
i cant stand people that call a magazine a clip, and then they say its the same thing smh

For those of us who don't get all giddy over guns, magazine or clip both mean the same thing.




Open pit with nice rotating spit. I don't like my BBQ so greasy. Now nice pineapple sauce does sounds good.

Now I have read some of how to do it directly on the coals but honestly only done ear of corn that way. Just don't the corn stay in the ashes overnight, eat it, and drink water. Boy do you get drunk fast.

During the summer months, I like to BBQ burgers. On the side of the grill away from the flame, but still cooking, lay some pineapple slices. When everything is cooked, I'll put a slice of that pineapple on the burger.
it's not for everyone. But for some, it's awesome.




For those of us who don't get all giddy over guns, magazine or clip both mean the same thing.
But that is the thing.. They are not the same thing. A clip is used to load a Magazine.




But that is the thing.. They are not the same thing. A clip is used to load a Magazine.

I guess the point is, no matter which one you say, someone that knows the difference, knows what you're talking about. That was my point to @logert gogert.




Ever notice how some english words can have so many completely different meanings.

Clip: haircut, scam, speed, paper fastener, bullet holder, quick movie shot, etc.
