Thanks Djdicetn!
I don't know how recently they began producing ZTR's but below is a link to a thread where a user just bought a Bush Hog with 400 hours on it that had been sitting in a barn unused for a couple of years. It's an out-front deck model that the Bush Hog website doesn't seem to show any longer. He's replacing pulleys and fixing it up but seems to be VERY happy with it's performance. Looking at the dealer locator there actually seems to be a dealer in Nashville, but I had never heard of the Bush Hog back in 2012 when I was shopping. Here's a link to that thread:
Did a little history research looks like they started in the deep south ...Alabama. Makes sense that we haven't seen many this far north. Not in John Deere country lol.Bush hog has been around for a long time. My dad bought a couple of 12' pto drive 3 point hitch mount bush hogs to cut cotton stalks with in the 80s. Were good bush hogs.
Did a little history research looks like they started in the deep south ...Alabama. Makes sense that we haven't seen many this far north. Not in John Deere country lol.