I was connecting my battery(positive) and I saw an orange spark by the engine and then smelt a burnt smell(smelt like electrical) and smoke came out. Any ideas?
I was connecting my battery(positive) and I saw an orange spark by the engine and then smelt a burnt smell(smelt like electrical) and smoke came out. Any ideas?
You let the smoke out.
When installing battery cables, always install the Negative cable last.
Exactly where by the engine did you witness the fireworks; carb. side or starter side?
That burnt electrical smell means only one thing; you will be replacing that part for sure.
It was on the front of the engine. Any idea what part it could be? I'm not good at repairing and I know very little about mower issues.
Follow the wires - there are not a lot of them - see which one has melted plastic on it .
sure sounds like a short circuit going from positive to negative in your wiring. Check for burned or bare wires or maybe a bad battery cable?? Also if you have a loose wire connection you will get a very high resistances at the loose connection causing a wire to burn. These are things what will make sparks, smell, and smoke
If you read my early post I told you about loose connections and high resistance. If this is the case like a solenoid or starter connection it could have burned up the electrical stud and if this is the case yes you would need a new part?? Find your problem first.
By the way the original post read, I would advise that this time you take it to a pro. Your lack of experience could cost you a lot of $$$ if you misdiagnose the cause and results. Sorry but electrical is not the way to start working on equipment.